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When you hear the dog park is closed

r/aww - When you hear the dog park is closed
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u/DyslexicTherapist avatar

Rhodesian Ridgeback I have one she is the best dog I have ever had.


Most depressed time in my life and this is the most upvotes I’ve gotten of a post. Truly appreciate that this many people love these dogs thank you. Have a safe time.

That sir is not a dog but a skinwalker. Famous on reddit for all the people they taunted while they were camping in their area. It apears, that they have now infiltrated out house holds

Looks like a werewolf from Harry Potter

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u/jonesy827 avatar

It reminds me of my dog who is some sort of mix. I've heard people guess Rhodesian Ridgeback, Black Mouth Cur, and greyhound mix.

u/ButtWieghtThiersMoor avatar

gentle lion hunters. Mom's dog was a ridgeback mix. Sweetest girl ever, RIP.

u/babygingers2020 avatar

I'm pretty sure I have a ridgeback/pit mix! Cant wait to get her checked

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u/hippybaby avatar

Could you compare it to other dogs that you have? Would like to know more about the breed.

u/DyslexicTherapist avatar

I had a bernese mountain dog it bit me in the face instead of pizza. 10 stitches. Had a yellow lab most loving dog in the world unless around water then he didn’t stop swimming. And Australian cattle dog way to high keep if you don’t have the energy. But she is just so lovable easily trained I don’t even have a fence she just won’t leave the yard. When she sees me she lights up with love. She’s the absolute best breed I’ve had. My kids mom on the other hand has one and my kid tells me she is horrible. But mine is hands down the best dog in the world.

u/ghostface3141 avatar

Could be "horrible" because they haven't trained it. So many dogs get labeled horrible, but when someone takes the time to work with them they're like a whole different dog.

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u/Bubba_Lewinski avatar

I concur. I have 2. Best dam dogs ever.

u/DyslexicTherapist avatar

Mine was a rescue two people turned her in saying she was a horrible dog. Best fucking choice I ever made.

u/Bubba_Lewinski avatar

Good on you for rescuing your Ridgeback! Some people just shouldn’t have dogs period! What age did you get your dog? Both of ours were torqued up as adolescents, but we socialized, trained, exercised, etc. Both started to chill and really settle around 2 1/2. Plan to stick with the breed for years to come.

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What made it work for you?

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u/pdxboob avatar

Holy crap I just immediately assumed great dane

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Could be a Blackmouth Cur dog.

u/DyslexicTherapist avatar

Never seen one but from google it’s seems plausible.

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Rhodey was pretty high on my list of guesses. But after watching OP's video below, this is definitely not a Rhodey.

u/DyslexicTherapist avatar

Sadness I thought the black snoot was definitely it.

I think it's a Black Mouth Cur.

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u/Gulliverlived avatar

Mine was the great love of my life. I’ll never get over it.

I have one and he's the best dog I've ever had.

how many dogs have you had ?

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It’s just dripping off the side of the couch, go get some paper towels and you’ll be fine

u/Walk1000Miles avatar

ROF LMAO! Needed this tonight.

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Human dog

u/wolfmother_penguin avatar

Not OP but it looks exactly like my greyhound so I’m guessing that’s what it is. Very muscular and stringy. Mine’s never done this though lol

u/Gulliverlived avatar

It’s a ridgeback.

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Well, the title indicates that the dog park might be closed.

u/Entlightenned avatar

It reminds me of the were-wolf part of Harry Pot-tah

u/pookamatic avatar

It turned to liquid!!!

u/drhamby2 avatar

The caption should be “ But I’m not really “on” the couch.”

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This is... unsettling...

u/frozendancicle avatar

Tell me about it, I made a deal with the Devil and totally forgot my dogs name is Richard. He's already long enough.

Seriously!! I saw the picture and mumbled to myself “that is extremely unsettling lol”

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u/scoopywoopy123 avatar

idk why but this looks cursed

u/HydraulicTurtle avatar

Reminds me of lupin off Harry Potter

u/scoopywoopy123 avatar

it looks like a human


Reminds me of the pictures of Otzi before they removed him from the ground.

That's such a niche reference and i really appreciate this


Yeah, I don’t really know how I pulled that one from my memory.

The pictures I saw when I went to see just how close it looked were uncanny, like the similar angle and curvature of the spine and everything. Even the color is similar. That probably had something to do with it, some old memory of one of those pictures.

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Oh shit, you're right

It’s got saggy man butt. I’m confused whether I should think it is cute, be attracted to it, or repelled.

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u/CleaverBeaver avatar

Someone has been watching the nonstop Harry Potter marathon.

Reminds me of this dog


Nailed it

reminds me of the fallout meme

That’s what it is, thank you

Was looking for this comment

u/eyesofcourse avatar

More like peter petegrew

Thought the exact same

Oh shit haha

u/bluntninja avatar

Thank you, that is exactly what it reminds me of but I couldn't place it.

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Literally all I can see is a malnourished human. I’m sure he’s adorable from most angles but this is not one of them.

u/scoopywoopy123 avatar

honey i'm home

linda finally home, water pls


It's because his tail looks like it's his left ass cheek, giving the illusion that he has a human like ass. Its hilaruous

u/sneark avatar

oh that's totally it. Icouldn't understand how people thought it looked human until I saw it this way - creepy

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u/downriverrowing avatar

He's not mine, but don't worry, he's happy

u/scoopywoopy123 avatar

he can be happy but it is cursed

happiness is temporary

t̸he cur̷s͘ȩ įs͘ et̀e͠r҉n͜al̴

ancient long lost symbols and scratches

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u/Fantisimo avatar

cursed with happiness

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Oooooh walking on a thin layer of ice with water under it is so satisfying for some reason. One of my favourite almost spring activities.

I love how he's jumping and running on the ice and the other dogs like "stop you're gonna get hurt!"



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'this looks cursed...'

there's a feeling like i'm cursed,

when my doggo life's the worst

'tween my legs, my tail it goes,

hearing that 'the Park is Closed!'

looking forward, everyday

for the chance to go n Play!

nothing else means more to me

than run with dog frens, so carefree!

like a bullet thru my heart,

crushing disappointment start

it's the Worst I've ever felt -

i'll just lie

right here


melt . . .


u/ArkGuardian avatar

Woah this is the first time I've seen a sad Schnoodle

A Boohoodle, as it were

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I haz a sad now.

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u/guppy1979 avatar

Most empathetic Schnoodle strikes again! Thank you, Schnoods!

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It’s because the joint at the lower part of the dogs hind legs are straightened out so it just looks like it’s got human knees.

It’s nightmare fuel.

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u/ToTimesTwoisToo avatar
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Its 100% cursed

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u/MartinTheMorjin avatar

Looks like a goya painting.


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u/Nice_Marmot_7 avatar

The uncanny valley.


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u/bipnoodooshup avatar

Night Vale

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u/cRiPpLeD-ReDdiTeR avatar

It looks so long

u/potato1756 avatar

It’s because dogs have kneecaps on the wrong side of their legs and it’s weird to us

And an extra leg joint


What?? No they don’t. Dogs have kneecaps exactly where humans’ are, on the front of the limb between the femur and tibia

u/potato1756 avatar

Their hinges look like kneecaps

u/Nemesis_Ghost avatar

So dogs walk on what is equivalent to their fingers tips & tippy toes. That backward join is their heal.

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u/scoopywoopy123 avatar

i think it's more the position, he is like me on a sunday but instead he got weird kneecaps

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u/magnificent_hat avatar

here are more cursed legbones to learn u some accurate leg rules and also because you're probably bored


More than anything I’m bothered by how the legs aren’t uniform. That would be annoying.

u/da_real_duck_is_here avatar

I think bc they cut of da leg

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That dog has the body of a human being


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And that’s fish


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u/gorgossia avatar
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u/seahawk664 avatar

This needs to be in r/photoshopbattles for additional nightmares

Why is that horse sad that the dog park is closed?

Go right to the source and ask the horse!


Mister Ed?

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Dogs are not allowed in the dog park.

u/lightningclass avatar

People are not allowed in the dog park.

u/bridget_the_great avatar

Do not look at the dog park

You may see hooded figures near the dog park

u/TheChibi89 avatar

Do not approach them.

u/Available_Jackfruit avatar

Citizens are not supposed to be aware that the Dog Park exists

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u/FaithfulSkeptic avatar

...does anybody else hear chanting?

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u/wehocub avatar

Is this a Night Vale reference

u/TheChibi89 avatar

Yes. Specifically from the pilot.

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Angels aren't real.

u/iSeven avatar

Mountains aren't real.

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u/autalley avatar

Some of those posts make no sense, but what do I know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

u/autalley avatar

Agreed. I wasn't even sure it was a real sub when I commented, but I don't think people understand. Lol

I understood! r/catsareliquid

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You are far too intelligent for those people, Queef Mayonnaise

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Excuse me, sir, your kangaroo is depressed


What's the point of woofing anymore?


this is mildly frightening

u/whoamonalisa avatar

that’s a whole man

Dobby is so sorry sir.

u/crowman006 avatar

I came here looking for. “ My precious , gone.”

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Why is his tail tucked?

u/bulelainwen avatar

Greyhounds often tuck their tails, they’re weird like that.


This isnt a greyhound. But absolutely from that body type. Long and fast. Mine looks very similiar and have always had a hard time determining the breed

u/WookHunter5280 avatar

Rhodesian Ridgeback

u/bulelainwen avatar

You’re right. Looking closer, the head shape isn’t right. Definitely has some hound in them.

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Probably a temper tantrum. If you go to the dog park regularly and on a schedule and all of a sudden you stop the dogs upset because no park but mainly an unexplained variation to routine and dogs absolutely love routine.

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That dog has a Hank Hill ass

u/lolplatypi avatar

Hoo, I'm about to bust.


Lol, that doesn’t sound right.

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u/HoneyBadgerC avatar

All because the hoomans may catch a virus. Dogs love to catch. What's the big deal?

jeezus this looks creepy lol

On god

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Thank you, Master. May I have another... treat?

Delete this


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u/TheBadHalfOfAFandom avatar

Boy looking like SCP-096

u/CaShell avatar


u/cesargeronimo avatar

My world is over!

u/what-a-surprise avatar

long boi

Ahhhh you don't understand, no one understands ahhh why why can't i whyyyy

seriously if ever there was a teen dog pose this is it ! "I didn't ask to be born !!"

Those legs look shopped lol

u/Tutustitcher avatar

Oh, poor baby.


dogs are not allowed in the dog park


He's more like "You still here??? For another entire day??? Again???"

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My dog is not handling this social distancing well. He's used to dogs and humans saying hi to him. Now he gets upset that people are deliberately avoiding us whenever we walk outside.

Same. My dog is very sad about the dog park being locked up.

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Dogs are NOT alowed in the Dog Park. Do NOT enter the Dog Park.

Professor? Professor Lupin?

u/Justcaira avatar

Looks like a naked Mr. Burns

I thought there was a naked hairy man on your couch

u/wtf-m8 avatar

I saw the photo thumbnail before reading the title, I thought this was about Danny DeVito bursting out of a couch.

u/MrBr1an1204 avatar


u/beccaboododalydoo avatar

It looks like a humen

u/thelasagnapredator avatar


Scp 096-d

Cursed comments go here /

u/heels_n_skirt avatar

I thought it was naked human from the thumbnail

u/foochh11 avatar

Dafuq is that thing

I love him


At first I thought it was a person, then a dog. Whta the actual fuck.

Loooong boy

This is the single most depressed look I've seen on any living thing, period.

u/Synaptikal avatar

Excuse me sir but your dog is melting

u/CheebaEagle avatar

Looked like a naked Mr. Burns for a hot second.

Why is your dog weird and why does he have an human ass

I thought this was an old naked human hunched over... it's just doggo

Lord forgive me for what I’m about to do


Yes officer this post right here.

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damn he sorta thicc doe...


Exhausted after making passionate love to the leather couch

u/billnyeca avatar

If they ever make a live-action Simpson's Movie, they should cast that dog as Santa's Little Helper.

u/ccgrendel avatar

You don't want to know what I thought this was! But the caption is perfect

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u/needsmoresteel avatar

Poor guy. He looks like he loves to run and he’s no allowed to.

u/Callmered53 avatar

The first thing I thought of was the album cover of David Bowie's diamond dogs

u/the_peckham_pouncer avatar

Thumbnail looks like a Warthog escaping from within a couch.

how i feel about the skatepark and that dog looks guilty lol

u/preferred357 avatar


Yo it's so cursed, it looks like a humanoid dog

There's way too much couch in that photo. Mine would have consumed at least half of it at the news he couldn't go.



One long boi

OMG! I laughed out loud! Thank you.

Sad melty boi

I don't think that's a dog. That's a human