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Who said cats don't like car rides

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u/Navaro27 avatar

I'd be worried they would jump out and go full ham if they saw a critter.

Yeah we never said they wouldn't like car rides, but we did say they can't be trusted

There was a guy with a cougar around here. You'd see him driving by with one hand on the wheel and one holding the cougar's collar to keep it from jumping out the open passenger window.

u/huntimir151 avatar

....why does he have a mountain lion?

Not a mountain lion, a middle-aged woman.

u/huntimir151 avatar

Oh yeah that makes sense.

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u/LSF604 avatar

well if you want to specific, its an older woman that hangs out and parties at bars and aggressively chases the young athletes (term coined by junior hockey players)

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It seems rather optimistic to think that you can restrain the 100 lb bundle of fast-twitch muscle fibers that is a cougar with one hand.

u/MireLight avatar

meat torpedo

That's a shark, sir. The term you're looking for is "meat missile."

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this is it. this is the best thing on the internet.

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Guessing a little light there, aintcha? I'd add an extra 20lb at least. Those things are the size of ME and are way more fit.

The only thing that was fast twitch about this cat was it's digestion. It was fat as f***

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Was his name Ricky Bobby?

Was he wearing a Crystal Gale shirt?

u/Robear48 avatar

You gotta learn to drive with the fear

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Oh yeah you talkin about Ricky Bobby?

Nah, it was the owner of a local racetrack.

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u/MockJoy avatar

Strong Florida energy is radiating from this comment

u/InertiaOfGravity avatar

That sounds fake, I think that .ight be actually illegal

Probably not. It can be a pain in the ass to go through the paperwork, and many owners don't take proper care of them, but you'd be surprised at what is actually legal. Especially big cats. They're actually legal in quite a few states

Probably is now. This was in the 1980's and not in the US. But then again, considering the amount of tigers in texas I don't see why this would be particularly improbable.

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thats why they make seatbelts/harnesses/tethers for animals in the car ; safety first!

u/Sirus804 avatar

I remember when I was taking my dogs to the park, I rolled the windows down as we got closer and driving slower so the dogs could look out the window. I made a slow left turn and my dog must've thought, "Oh, this is good!" and jumped out and, like a dope, the other dog followed the leader and jumped out too from the middle seat. I immediately stopped to get them and checked them for injuries. They were both fine, just a little shaken up. When we got to the park they forgot about it.

So yeah, after that no more windows being down.

u/MimiMyMy avatar

I saw a dog fall out of the window from the backseat when the driver made a turn. Dog was almost killed. Apparently the dog put his paw on the electric window and lowered the window all the way down. Lady never knew her dog fell out of her car. Some of us stopped to get the dog and some was trying to catch up to the car. Luckily the dog was not seriously injured. It always scares me every time I see people letting their dogs hang out the window.

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u/laserfox90 avatar

I was more worried about a Hereditary style decapitation lmfao

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He can't jump even if he wants. He has a harness and I hold him so he is not able to get out of the car more than you can see. I would't put his life in danger by just letting him stay on the window without holding him just because he meows at me.

What kind of harness is that that doesn't go over the shoulders? I've never seen a feline harness that doesn't, and there simply isn't one in this video, not to mention they cover the chest, which is also completely exposed in this video.

I work emergency vet med, I've seen animals that have fallen out of cars and been dragged, if you want my honest opinion, you really should close that window more.

Do with that what you will and understand I'm not saying in any way you're a bad or irresponsible owner, just that in my professional opinion, this is dangerous

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You also have to consider the car itself, not only the harness or you holding him. The cat would be in serious danger If you for some reason end up crashing the car while he’s peeking out the window. This also goes for people who likes to keep their pets in their laps while driving. If yoi crash the pet gets trapped between your body and whatever is in front of you, possibly flying through the car. Pets should be in secured cages in the back or wear a harness that can be attached to a seatbelt. This is cute and all, but There’s a reason we tell kids not to hang out the window of a moving vehicle. And don’t say “we have a good driver” and that it’s safe, there are other cars out there, as well as animals and other possible risks. Protect those you love.

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Yeah I hope he’s on a leash :/

Cats aren’t stupid lol

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u/twfeline avatar

On our way to the market, we would go to the driveway, open the car doors, and ask "Does anybody want to go for a ride?" to the cats in the yard. We would usually get at least one, and sometimes 3 who would trot over and hop in. No inducements involved. One liked to stand on the front seat and look out the windows, one would curl up on the floor and one liked to lie down in the back window, behind the back seats.

u/Daxadelphia avatar

How many cats are normally just chilling in the yard? Are they yours? Do you run a cat hostel

We need ANSWERS!

u/Daxadelphia avatar

The people have a right to know

Re: “the cats in our yard”


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I do the same thing with the neighborhood children

u/Daxadelphia avatar

FBI, this one right here

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Maybe strays. We have a few cats chilling near my home. They are like pet cats but stray.

u/Daxadelphia avatar

Army of cats, you say...?

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u/lebaneseblonde avatar

One of my childhood cats would jump into our minivan given the opportunity and he regularly accompanied my mom to pick us up at our school carpool, chilling on the dash. He once disappeared for 3 weeks and since he was a black cat around Halloween, we feared that he had been killed. He turned up, a lot skinnier. He never got into a car again after that. We suspect he got into a neighbor's car and got out somewhere and it took him those weeks to get back to us. If only cats could talk because I would love to know how far he got and where he went.

I remember reading some story about a cat whose owners took it to a nascar event (idk why) and it ran away during the race. It turned up at their house several weeks later, after trekking a 100 or so miles. Cats are impressive

how the hell did it know the way back

Cat GPS, it’s part of their microchip

u/Long_Lost_Testicle avatar

Bill Cates implants them

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u/dtyus avatar

I want cat friends like that.

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u/the_waste_of avatar

If you habituate your cat at a young age to car rides and walking on a leash/harness they really enjoy it. Wish I’d known this when my cats were younger....


You still can! Just gotta acclimate them super slow and steady with lots of positive reinforcement, taking baby steps as small as simply placing the harness next to them and giving them treats.

u/fuzzytradr avatar

And, it's a little known fact, but you can actually teach them to drive.

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Seems like a cat I’d wanna grab a beer with

u/firefighterr avatar

Love this comment 😁😊

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u/fringe_123 avatar

This is a definite 1st for me!! Never seen a cat do this before

Terrifying. My idiot cat would jump out without hesitation

u/NightOwlsUnite avatar

This......this makes me nervous


I'd never be able to do this. At least 3 seat-belts for precious kitty.

That's no cat. That's a flurgen.

Well this one sure does!

u/SableSheltie avatar

Super cute but so dangerous. Beautiful kitty’s eyes or face could be badly hurt by the foliage whizzing past.

Hah! That’s so cool!

u/skoncol17 avatar

Nobody. Nobody says that

Goggles, please! Cats and dogs who ride like this risk their eyes due to flying dirt/grit.

Glad s/he enjoyed the ride! My cats always hunkered down and howled.

At first I thought this was a silly comment until I realized it's actually a thing...

Every time my mom would see a dog hanging it's head out of a window she'd shout "Corneal Abrasion!"

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u/twirlingrhino avatar


This is the coolest. I’ve never seen a car cat do the window thing! Awesome!


Wow! Cool cat!

u/harrry46 avatar

That's a brilliant way for your pet to lose an eye.

That's a brilliant way for your pet to lose an eye.

Dude... is like the first thing I notice, like what if there is a branch sticking out.... it would impale the cat and this would be on another sub.

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It’s like a scene from Puss in Boots

I can’t watch. Has no one seen Hereditary?

YES. That's all I could see in this vid

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That cat is experiencing something most cats never come close to.

That’s kind of cool

u/chillyhellion avatar

My mom owns a pet food and supply store and she used to have this big shop cat named Gargamel. Biggest cat I've ever seen in my life, and not fat (in those days), just tall and sturdy. A few times a week I would drive down the road to pick up my brother from work. I'd walk to my car and Gargamel would be sitting on the hood - he always hopped right in as soon as I opened the passenger door.

He would sit in the front passenger seat with his front paws on the dash and look out the windshield at the cars going by. He loved car rides. I'd park at my brother's work and wait for my brother's shift to end; as soon as I see him walking up I say "hop in the back, Gar" and Gargamel would climb into the back seat for the ride home.

I've met a few very friendly cats in my life and Gargamel was one of my favorites.

I did!

My old cat LOVED car rides. Although I could only could go 20mph or less otherwise he would get back into the vehicle. Don’t worry I always held on to him well.



u/Jimmyjangles85 avatar

That’s a dog. You are a dog person.

We took ours camping one year (dont ask) and on the way home with severe storm warnings and blacker than hell, the cat pushes the window lever down and jumped out the window. Asshole. We caught him. Hes not been in a vehicle since.

Happy cake day!

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That's one mailbox away from being decatitated.

This is cute but I’m way too paranoid about my kitty falling out

u/becauseimmortal avatar

Never do this. Your cat could get spooked and overpower you easily and leap right out of your car. You have to keep them strapped in, I actually buckle my dogs in. Also they can get a lot debris and bugs in their eyes doing this. Humans have windshields/goggles for a reason.

I was driving with my dad when a dog leaped out of the car passing in the other direction. It happened too quickly and we hit the dog. It was heartbreaking. Don’t let this happen to you.

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use a cat carrier please

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u/dingwyf avatar


Car interiors are slippery, and one hard brake or abrupt turn, and kitty burrito is ejected from the vehicle.

If you actually like your cat friend, you’ll put him in a harness, clipped into a seatbelt, and you’ll let him look out the window but not hang out the window.

ETA: my cats love the car. But I’m safe as fuck with them because I don’t want to risk their lives.

People wear seatbelts in cars, our furry buds should be strapped in too. Always better safe than sorry imo

u/dingwyf avatar

Exactly! I think our four legged friends should be strapped in for their own protection, always. My oldest cat always wears a harness in the car, minimum, so I can grab him if needed. He’s seatbelted in locally, and just harnessed on roadtrips. Never once have I let him hang out of the car.

When I was a teenager, I was downtown in my city and someone made a sharp left turn and their dog fell out of the car, narrowly missing getting run over by the back wheels.

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My actual cat

You would, if you were anywhere near my cat when he took a horrific, life-altering shit 5 minutes after you started driving.

u/ThaddeusXArbuckle avatar

I feel like his name is George, or Johnny-Two-Shoes.

Can't you see he is just trying to find a way to get the hell out of that car

My cat...

That cat just got slap by a bush

My dad’s cat when I was growing up would chill on either the dashboard of his truck, or around his neck and shoulders while he drove around. He loved car rides and would purr the whole time.

u/chin_waghing avatar
u/Marsdreamer avatar

My cat made it pretty clear when he unlocked his carrier and then ran onto my lap, proceeding to diarrhea all over me while on the way to his annual checkup.

u/roywoodsir avatar

Oh birdie I'm coming for you, when I find you, I'm going to get u.

u/CGoode87 avatar

That's not a cat it's a dog.

u/frostochfeber avatar

All the cats I've ever owned said so 😁


How y'all keep your animals inside with windows rolled all the way down I don't get it. Must be luck of the draw. Any animal cat or dog that I've had, I barely allow to have the window down more than half way. For fear they see something that they want

He has a harness and I hold him. Otherwise he wouldn't be allowed. He is not even allowed outside without the harness and the name tag.


I have a 65 pound shepherd and she wanted to fight the pitbull in the car next to us who was minding his own business. Her ecollar failed, she tried to get the window down, leash pulling failed.... Like nope, right hand turn now.

Then my cat that used to ride with my dad to places. He either thew up or peed in the car Everytime. Had the window opened once not very far and he jumped out to sit on the hood. Obviously that time we were stopped.

When I was a teen I had a retired Greyhound Racer. 2 years old and smart as a bullet. She figured out how to open my 79 El Camino door. When she didn't want to stay in the car.

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The first time my cat walked out the back door of my house and discovered wind, she tried to eat it. She was an inside cat before then.

Letterbox incoming

Legend has it when Carol Fucking Baskin summons all the cool cats and kittens, this dude rides.

Did you train him or did he just always like car rides. My cats are terrified of the car and I keep them crated because they’ll pee everywhere and then I’ll have to set my car on fire to get rid of the smell.

We took him with us from when he was a couple months old. We live in an apartament so we wanted for him to have a little freedom and explore. So everytime we went to the park, or visiting someone who accepted cats we took him with us. I also bought a basket for my bike so I can take him with me. Basically he is more a dog than cat, he also asks for walks around the area we live in, and meows at the door and when he sees the harness.

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Cat: I see a particularly thick bird up on that branch

I don't know. Who?

My cat did

The society

My cats. They hate car rides. They whine the entire ride.

It’s like the cat is getting pets from the wind.

Wow, that’s very rare to see👍

My cat who furiously meows every car ride anywhere

u/takoyakimura avatar

Awww, cute

This somehow made my day. Thank you.


Catdog is back

Can confirm, my cat HAAAAATES the car.


Your cat’s probably imagining it’s a Cheetah.


one fast meow meow boi

u/revanrules07 avatar

Literally no one

u/jewsbags avatar

Still looks annoyed.


That’s a cool cat...

Cats don’t like car rides



My black panther LOVED car rides! I walked to work in the morning and my then SO would pick me up in the evenings (the joy of 1 car). She would sit our apt steps for the 10 min before he would leave to get me and jumped right in the back window, waiting there until I walked out the door of work; then she would sit on my lap and watch the world pass till we were went home (all of 10 min). Most wonderful kitty ever.

My cats said that. Over and over.

u/wolfcl0ck avatar

My cats did

u/heseeshisvictory504 avatar


u/LemonYuri222 avatar

Cats say so

Adorable! My cat gets excited when I drive on the interstate, and she sees a big truck. She will come up to the window and watch it. But I can't roll the windows down, because one time at a parking garage she jumped out of the car. She has lost open window privileges.

jumps out of the car never to be seen again

u/best-puppy-ever avatar

no one

my friends cat vomited in my car 3 times out of 4 trips

Dog software on cat hardware

u/freddiednow avatar

He’s just waiting for a chance to jump out


My cat likes to ride on the center console. She’s pretty chill, but I’d never trust her to hang out the window.

I had a tiger cat that would jump in my dad's van. He used to have to check it before leaving to go anywhere because one day he found her in the van 3hrs into a 5hr trip. Everything worked out because the cat liked doing it's business outside than in a litter box.

Last year I helped my two brothers move to a new appartment. I told them to get cages for the cats because they WOULD NOT like the 12 mile car ride. They insisted they could just hold them in their laps while I drove and everything would be fine. Several scratches, bites, upchucks and cat poopies later, we arrived at their new apartment. I've never seen a cat that liked a car ride. This was nice to see.

So much to sniff, so much to see, so what’s wrong with taking the front seat

I'm always jealous of cats who ride in cars and like water!


and in that moment, i swear we were infinite

Living her best life.


Hah! Our boy waffles loves car rides but he doesn’t stick his head out of the window. I would die from anxiety if he did.


I think it’s great your cat enjoys this but this seems so irresponsible

u/AndrewMT avatar

Not to be a downer, but I’m doubting this is good for cats. For dogs, at least, this can lead to cauliflower ear and I’m wondering if cat ears are even more sensitive.

u/Dawn0818 avatar




Man my cats don’t even like floor fans pointed at them lol I can’t imagine what they would do with this wind. This fluffy kitty is livin the dream with all those good smells though!

Clearly a doggo

u/Eren526 avatar

İ read it as 'who said cars dont like cat rides' its half past 6 in the morning

u/skippythewonder avatar

My cats.

Well hope his name is pancake

u/shaeclarke6 avatar

Mine is the same way!! He goes bonkers if he doesn’t get his car ride(s) of the day


My cat nervous poops in the car :/

That gives me mega anxiety

Mag babe loves the car!!

u/blueflamestudio avatar

Mine would jump.

Nice photoshopped doggo

u/xupita avatar

Seatbelt first. Cute and cool. Keep safe please.

A film by Ari Aster.

My dog doesn’t even like doing that

Oh mine hate it! One of mine actually hurts his nose rubbing the carrier! :(


No one

Who said that cat is liking it?

My cat doesn’t. At all. He makes the loudest sounds I’ve ever heard from an animal when he’s on a car ride

wouldn’t be surprised if that cat’s really a dad

Nononono dont jump oshit am panic

My cat doesn’t like car rides because she was abandoned on the side of the street. Every time we use the brakes she starts crying because she thinks she’s getting dumped off again. Luckily, shes been living with us for so long that she doesn’t whine when we take her to the vet

so many smells to sniff

This was how we lost lucky.

I'm pretty sure I can see that someone is holding onto this handsome kitty. That is good, because I would be so worried if not. Can't trust a kitty!

u/Meepsie420 avatar

high fives cat from outside of car

I would be too scared of my cat jumping out of the car to let them do this without a harness and holding them by a leash really tight.

u/bakwhodeene avatar

This cat was drugged u can smell the catnip

Who said my cat is smart enough to not jump out?

My cat will pee everywhere

u/O_vJust avatar

My cat goes ape shit and attacks me

u/Robking2007 avatar

No this isn’t a car ride he looking for some one to assassinate

u/akaz244 avatar

Damn I was worried it was gunna get slapped by a tree branch

Who said cats don’t....wait.

Big boy🐱

u/WillingCheesecake4 avatar

This is most unusual


That looks like a cat who's looking for an excuse to jump out the window.