Years ago, I was armed with naivety of how the Nigerian entertainment industry worked and I looked at a lot of people with awe—like a child will look at Santa. Linda was one of those people I felt was all that.

I mean, in a world well dominated by men who know what they are doing and the ones that don’t know what they are doing Linda was and is a stand out. The story of blogging in Africa cannot even begin without Linda writing the preface. Linda made a fortune from not minding her business; she built an empire with a foundation of lies, conspiracies, amebo and many times bitterness.

Scratch that!

Linda, all my friends have been calling me after you came out of the baby mama closet this morning. They said my madam is a scam, they said you are a “manipulative bitch”, they said people who take you seriously are the same people who take the tooth fairy thing seriously. I feel sad Linda. You “fell” my hand in different ways. I am not going to call you out for “felling” into pregnancy but I will call you out for preaching celibacy online but offline you drive 2 hours from your house enduring the insane traffic of Lagos to Jermi’s house because of the same coitus you told young girls not to do. Enjoying one for the road!

Linda!! How cold of you my dear. Enjoying the magic of orgasms and telling girls not to enjoy what you are enjoying. This speaks a lot about you. You are one hell of a greedy person. Depriving girls of something as vital as orgasm in this god forsaken country?? Sigh.
Years ago, you slandered all the available baby mamas in Nigeria and around the world.

I mean!! You were their nightmare. You gave them sleepless nights, you gave them low self esteem, you made it seem like a grown woman cannot decide not to have a husband but have a child. Look at you now my dear. You have become what you laughed at. You have written an epistle punctuated with your near-deflated ego and unserious grammar usage. You always make history dear. You are the first woman to ever “fell” in pregnancy in the history of the world.

Karma knows your address my dear. It isn’t done visiting you yet. For all the innocent people you slandered with your blog, you will receive in the same measure. You think parking out of the mainland to Banana Island will confuse karma or make it leave you?? Sorry. Karma is the greatest cartographer of all times dear. It knows everywhere!

After reading your coming out story, I remembered this quote “To defend the truth, you say very little, to defend deceit, you have to keep explaining yourself.” Every smart person that read your story knows that there is more to it but because you are Linda that cares less about truth but more about lies, you have drowned part of the truth. My dear, truth na soap. It may take time but very soon, e go bubble and the bubble go clear your eye once more.

Forgive me Linda, I thought you had sense. I won’t do it again.

Written by Mark Anthony Osuchukwu. He can be reached on instagram as onye_mark or via his mail


  1. I have never been a fan of Linda. During the past years, she was one of the people online that made me to almost loose my self esteem. I felt like nothing, she would always flaunt her wealth, achievements and wardrobe all over the Internet, I disliked her from the moment I discovered who she really was. Karma is surely a bitch, a real goddamm bitch! ?

  2. Guy ur write up don’t pieces my head… Kudos guy, more to those unreal bitches who think say nah dem get sense pass. Las Las she open her legs wide open like Wi-Fi

  3. ˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º. This guy u be wicked boy lol. U finished her for Africa lolzzz. I also know there is more to her story that hasn’t been said.I just hope Sholaye wil do us the honours by stating exactly what transpired to shame this shameless woman who thinks she owns the world. Upon all ur supposed wealth, u aren’t marryable at last.The guy knows the reason he dumped ur sorry ass cos he has seen a very bad traits in u that u aren’t a wife material. Let her stop lamenting and face her reality already. Nonsense and Linda…Where are those yeye sisters of hers that were making noise about her fake engagement?They’ve all gone quiet alas. Shameless family

  4. Carry go Linda. Jealousy no get part 2. Anthony is trying to make name for himself using u. No mind all haters. U r a mother DAT is what matter. Do things DAT make u happy.

  5. Open Letter to Mark Anthony from Mr Awesome…

    Dear Mark, I wouldn’t want to spare words on you even though I will. But I’ll like to start by saying “You Lack Home Training. Momma Obviously didn’t do her Job well. I wonder what she was doing when she should be raising a man in you. Perhaps, She was probably enjoying the coistus through the back door too; that gave birth to the misfortune which Anthony has to Father.
    Mark Boy, Listen, until you recognize and respect authority, you will Never become an Authority. I’ve watched you closely and tried even via scratching my testicles to understand what manner of an alien ? you are, why poppa didn’t jerk you off via masturbation and what the heck you’re doing among humans. Your perfection is almost beating that which Jesus Christ had. You are kind of trying to prove God to be a liar. Wow! Bravo!. Mark, Did your mom not tell you that the fury of a hurting woman burns more than hell’s source of fire. Enhen! Lest I forget, Hope you still remember you will not live as long as Joy Isibewaji, the beautiful soul whom you mocked her failed marriage. The sun and moon bore witness of Her curses on you and until you Mark Anthony bleed on your knees, there might never be a remedy.

    Now back to Linda Ikeji.
    I have a question for you Mark. How do you feel watching a nursing mother feed that innocent Boy with her salty Tears because of a mistake your parents made about two decades ago.

    Linda like Every other woman has the right to be wrong, make mistakes and choose her path because she is human. I’m sure your parents once promised themselves never to give birth to a fool and a son that will die before he gets to Joy Isibewaji’s age. But what just happened? Did they not eat their words? Voila! Here you are. Their worst nightmare.

    Mark, It’s High time you stepped out of God’s shoes and stopped condemning and sending people to hell before they even see the fire therein. You have no right to call Linda a bitch. “Your mom even after she “fell” pregnant with you “legitimately” is yet not half the woman that Linda is Today.

    I think you should mind the way you mind other people’s businesses for them..
    Linda has not done what has never been done. It wasn’t her fault that you had to come down here and bla bla bla. Bia nna! My fingers are paining me already. Let me leave you with this. If you don’t mind the way you take away other people’s happiness, you might never live to know it. Because, like you said, karma surely does know your address. She will find you. Real men Don’t seek attention, they seek relevance, attention will come along with it. Grow up mark!

    Mr Awesome.

    I know you are not trained and will want to run your mouth. Feel free.

    My instagram handle is

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