Tyrannogeckus Time!

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Bark of the geitjie!

I love geitjies; but never knew they were so fearsome/awesome:

It is rarely seen, but the bite is painful. You do not die immidately, unfortunately, you will have a long time planning and waiting for you dead. It will take a half year to a year, when you will have a lousy life, when pieces of your body will die. The pieces will be rotten and have an odour, before they will fall of. Among the stories I has heard and collected about this poisonous creature, it is told that the bite is impossible to cure and that they fear it a lot. Only in one case a slave from the east-indian islands has cured a women-slave from the bite. Unfortunately the slave is dead, so we can not find out what kind of herbs he used, except lemon or pomerans.

The lizard is living in drier areas, called Karrow-Feld, and also in the coastprovince Sitsikamma. It is known as ‘tGeitje (Hottentott language).

To pronounce the apostrophe ‘t and the first part Gei- you must press the tongue to the roof of the mouth. If you do not do that nobody would understand what oyou are talking about. It is very easy to say ‘tNeitje instead and that is a small piece of skin that the girls use, instead of a fig-leaf, as Eva did.

They certainly make for excellent springtime walk companions though - ridding the air of the clouds of gnats one ploughs through. Let the spring-cleaning commence! Luckily, I have a lemon from my lemon tree should my trusty beast nibble a bystander. Don’t want to injure a suburbanite.

The most efficient gnatcatcher on my shoulder!

Lemons against Tyrannosaurus bites

 The magnolias are in full bloom now!

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