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How to use your Opponents Style to Beat them in Poker

  • Published Date June 25, 2018
  • By Admin

A poker game is fun, and it can get really interesting, but did you know there are several types of poker players and poker rules. Each player will develop their own poker strategy which makes the poker game even more interesting. Here are the different types of styles in a basic poker game and hints on how to win against them.


These types of poker players will always be raising before and after the crucial moment of flop and will play with a lot of hands. They are not at all selective when it comes to their starting hands and they tend to play with too many hands. They will compensate for not holding good card and most times they are not holding the winning hand which is said to be aggressive and tends to put pressure in the opponents to fold their winning hands.

The way to play against a loose-aggressive is to wait for your best hand. When you do get the best hand, it will pay off well by the loose-aggressive players. So, it can be worthwhile to pass hands and let the loose-aggressive poker strategy win smaller pots then at one point take the big pot out with your best hand.


This is the section that some might know as a fish. This is a weak category of player and over time they will be the losing players. This type of player will play with too many hands and then call bets even when the right thing to do there would be to fold or raise. In a poker game they can also be called calling stations.

These players are hard to get a poker strategy working to beat them as they purely rely on luck. They will not have a good session if luck is not going their way. These players will disregard the pot odds and end up calling down the bets when they have not got the odds to do it.

Tight passive

These players know what starting hands to play with and not to play with. These players tend to play good before the flop. These players will fail because they don’t protect their hands. Checking and calling is more common instead of raising which gives the chasing players the right odds to hit their draw.

These players are easy to read. For instance, if they tend to be betting it often means they have a hand as this type of player doesn’t usually bluff.

This type of player will fail if they are playing against experienced players.


This is known as best profitable category of poker players. This does not mean that other players don’t have any benefits or that you should not adapt your type of style to play like different players in each different category. His type of style is taught in university’s as they believe the basis of the strategy your going for should be this style of playing.

This type of player is well aware of the starting hand strengths and will play with only the correct starting hands that are positioned correctly.This player is quite aggressive when they are in the pot and will tend to bet and raise only when the time is right which adds a great deal of pressure to the opponents.This style works well against passive and loose players as there are chances are high they are holding the better hand as they have played the starting hands correctly.

These players tend to play with the odds in their favor by playing with a better starting hand and then being able to protect their hand while playing aggressively after the flop but only at the right times. This type of player over time can be quite a profitable poker game for them.

Recognize your opponent’s style and adapt your style to play and win against them.

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