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The original, without any music can be found linked from along with the rest of the story (and more pictures).

u/AltimaNEO avatar

They're high schoolers? Man I thought they were younger.

Prom is usually exclusive to high school

u/ManateeHoodie avatar

Tell that to Mac, Dennis, Charlie and Dee

So anyway, i started blasting

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u/Showty69 avatar

Definitely thought this said Porn at first

Less romantic but still cute

I expect nothing less if someone asks me to do porn

Ok coomer

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Nah, adults are throwing prom parties because they realized it's better when you're old enough to legit get fucked up.

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Young people are getting younger all the time. The young folks we have today are many times younger than the 30 something teenagers that we had slouching around in the 70's and 80's.

u/alanwashere2 avatar

Right. This must be true. I can't let myself believe it's the fact that I'm getting older that makes me think teenagers look younger and younger.

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Newer generations look younger because past generations were told smoking is healthy and lead paint and asbestos are totally safe.

its funny cause its true.

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Prom is typically only a thing for juniors and seniors in high school

It depends on the size of the school. My school was very small and included the entire high school

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Thanks. It’s it’s not tik tok.

Ironic, as I just came from the thread about how terrible tiktok is.

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So, I'm really fucking old. I kept reading that thinking that some idiot misspelled proposal and aren't they a bit young to get married...

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u/noneofmybusinessbutt avatar

All y’all mfs crackin’ wise and I’m over here tearing up, you hilarious bastards


Me too.

I know right. All the feels. What a good little man! My heart!


Yes I didn’t want the video to end yet. All the feels and now I want to see their prom pictures.

I want to give their parents a high five too. Some damn fine work there

(Inb4, but sometimes kids are remarkable in their own!!1!) — is true too.

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u/BillyIsMyCatsName avatar

I was all good until the piano came in and I nearly lost it, as in, I totally fucking lost it

Dude, the piano came in before she even read anything. At that point it could have read “I’m leaving you for Jenny. At least she can see.”


“P-R-O-Mise you won’t get mad. I fucked Jenny....”

u/viperex avatar

It's always Jenny

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u/BillyIsMyCatsName avatar

Dude, tell me how to feel again

Plus, I'm not blind. I could read prom on the sign and tell they were gonna have a moment

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They're probably jealous, all me sigh

u/alopeadope avatar

This blind girlfriend thing has just opened my eyes to whole new world.


Makes the dick in a box thing a lot easier to pull off, for sure.

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u/mewingmaggie avatar

They’d a don’t understand!

u/_00307 avatar

I'm not crying you're crying.

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u/kgplkc avatar

Seriously? That was what it takes to get you to upvote....

Never change reddit


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u/pimp_skitters avatar

Letting the days go by

u/SWAAGOLAS avatar

Water flowing underground

u/Baconplusbeer avatar

Into the blue again

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Stay golden Ponyboy.

u/pimp_skitters avatar

Nature's first green is gold

u/tonksndante avatar

Her hardest hue to hold ??

Man I haven’t read that since I was a kid. I loved that book

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cheap puns and russian bots.

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-_- *FTFY

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u/Throwaway1303033042 avatar


She could feel it coming

u/IGuessIWillSitHere avatar

In the air tonight.

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Not til after prom.

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And here I was gaining some hope for humanity. Lmao

I hate you.

Take my upvote.

Love truly is blind..

u/ChimpyChompies avatar

Ba Dum Tss!

Get out

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u/tontonsflingueurs avatar

She felt the question mark when he hugged her


More of an exclamation point.

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Ah, the ol' question mark in the pants trick. Gets 'em every time.


Yeah he jumped the gun there and then asked if that's a yes lmao.

??? He hugged her because she was obviously happy about it? Can't you tell? And they're already in a relationship even.

Don’t expect rationality from reddit when it comes to social interaction

Yeah well maybe he's her boyfriend but she wanted to go with Steve or something!!!!

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At least it was only the prom question. I like the creativity though. I'd love to see a similar idea done for a proposal from a relationship where it was already discussed before hand that they were ready for it some day.

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Is that a question mark you got in your pocket? Or you just happy to see me?

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u/Brailledit avatar

u/Throwaway1303033042 avatar

What do the three dots translate to?

Look at this guy, he doesn't know how the three dots work!!

u/Throwaway1303033042 avatar

I could see how that would be...confusing.


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u/killerjags avatar

Good point

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u/Korteal avatar

Username checks out

What's the comment say? I can't see it. 😎

It says:

If I can't see braille does that mean im deaf?!

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u/ne1ulyke avatar

Best comment yet


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Uncle Tim why is there a hashtag on that old rotary phone


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u/oooriole09 avatar

Love is blind.

Best TV show ever


Why is it so good lol.

The drama 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻


I'm literally counting the seconds off of work so I can finish the last episode. I have never watched reality TV in my life and I just clicked it cause I was bored. Any other shows you recommend if any?

The Circle and Dating Around, both on Netflix, happy viewing.

Watching the finale of Love is Blind right now, oh she’s juicy

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Any scene with Jessica is like watching Phyllis wedding episode of the office. It’s just way too cringy and physically hurts to look at.

u/Unsd avatar

Oh my God I hate her so much it's unreal. She's such a horrible person and I truly mean that from the bottom of my heart. I keep thinking she'll turn around and treat him how he deserves but no. I haven't watched tonight's episodes yet but damn I hope he ends up happy. Preferably with someone else. He reminds me so much of my husband so I might be biased, but he's been so sweet and loving and thoughtful and understanding the whole entire time and she fucking threw everything back at him when she was drunk by saying that she preferred the other guy. Fuck her.

Edit: oh thank God.

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Messica is amazing TV, she's like insane.

And also horrendous at math. Mawma, the day does not have 48 hours, which you spent 46 in the pod, you dumb bitch.

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I didn’t even know it was a tv show until now, the song by Eve comes to mind when I hear it. lol

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I did not hit her, I did nahht.


Anyway, how is your sex life?

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Definitely American cultural - with my friends kids how you invite is almost as important as the dance itself. Wasn’t that way for me in the dark ages - this type of thing didn’t exist. But likely because Netscape was as “social media” as it got and to take a video you had to borrow your wealthier friend’s dad’s camcorder. VHS BABY!

u/durpabiscuit avatar

I didn't have a date for homecoming and one of my friends told me "So-and-so said she'd fuck you if you go to homecoming with her".


I feel like this could potentially be a Teen Girl Squad reference!

Definitely The Ugly One.

u/durpabiscuit avatar


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u/Nibroc99 avatar

Betamax over here... The old days were a very strange time.

u/Bigmandancing avatar

Oh yes. Beta was the better way. There's was a similar fight in the digital world between SDI and TVi. SDI being a better quality image over coax didn't fare well due to pricing on lower end cameras.

BluRay v. HD-DVD was the first competition I saw beginning to end. War never changes.

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All alone...

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u/fragglerawks avatar

Definitely feel like my generation and older missed out on these awesome prom proposals. I got an AIM message saying " so we going?"

Eh, I graduated high-school about 10 years ago and it wasn't as much of a thing. Some people had cute proposals but it was much less expected. Either social media has made it more of an expectation or simply the over-sharing that social media encourages has put more of those gestures front and center.

u/frankie_cronenberg avatar

I’m mid 30s and promposals we’re def not a thing for me.

I wasn’t gonna go until my parents offered to bankroll me to the tune of $300, which was more money than they’d ever given me directly in my LIFE. So I asked my best friend to eat at McDonald’s with me beforehand, then made a dress by layering $8 worth of tulle over a skirt and tube top I already had. We stayed for 20 mins, then rode around in our friends’ limo for a couple hours watching Brainscan before meeting back up for the after party

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u/Sunshinegal72 avatar

I've been with my husband for five years and he still asks me out on "dates." It's just a sweet, romantic gesture.

u/Puremisty avatar

Dawwww. I hope I’m as lucky as you are when it comes to romantic relationships someday.

u/Sunshinegal72 avatar

🥰 I hope you are too! The right person is out there!

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Thats rlly cute. Does he also confess to u often that he has a crush on u? :p

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I don't see where it was implied either.

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The "Prom Proposal" is a newer thing. It wasn't a thing when I was in school. I suspect it's largely due to social media culture. It's another opportunity to post pics and videos.

u/Slendermesh avatar

Is it though? My mom told me about hers and it was more than 40 years ago. Her mom let the kid in and he decorated her room with something, I don’t remember the details. Maybe it’s just spreading to more parts of the country?

u/gsfgf avatar

Doing it for social media is new, but it was a thing when I was in school. The go to was to write your promposal on their car.

u/TrollinTrolls avatar

Permanent marker across the side of her car "Hey baby, lemme finger bang you on prom night"

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u/ankhes avatar

Yeah I don’t remember people doing big proposals for prom when I was in high school a decade ago. You just asked somebody to go with you, they said yes or no, and that was that. Now people seem to treat it like a wedding proposal and go all out. It’s very strange to me. Prom was just kind of seen as a fun party to go to with your boyfriend/girlfriend or friends when I was a teenager. Not some huge life event that needed a bunch of elaborate planning.

u/John_T_Conover avatar

Yeah it's only become a widespread thing in the last 5ish years. Sometimes people did elaborate "promposals" back in the day but it was pretty rare and I don't even think the term promposal was in our vocabulary. Now it's almost expected. Strange.

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To be honest it normally isn't a big deal if they're already a couple unless the guy does it in a romantic way like in the video.

I thought it said proposal and when I saw this is was so confused

Yeah I don't know dude I never asked my girlfriend to prom we just like, went.

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Yes. But high schoolers suck. This only started picking up steam in the last 10 years or so with the advent of social media and now everybody tries to get their shit viral.

It was very rare before that.

u/monkChuck105 avatar

People like to feel special. Yeah, most taped proposals are couples cause otherwise it's creepy or awkward.

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As an American, my thoughts exactly.


Americans usually go to Prom with their Moms.

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She also could have been expecting them not to a lot of people might with disabilities

u/melgibson666 avatar

I'm American and I don't get it either.

u/TrollinTrolls avatar

I'm American, and I'll be honest, I'm not entirely sure how I got here

u/melgibson666 avatar

Wanna make-out?

u/TrollinTrolls avatar

Again? Already?

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Yeah most girls and some guys like the gesture of being asked out in public. I guess it is suppose to be romantic. I'm american, and i don't get it either. But hell, I buy SO and mom flowers and I don't get that either.

Yeah. I'm with you... My girlfriend at the time, though... Fuck. I never heard the end of it... Seriously, I still hear about it... I married her, but boy was she pissed that I just assumed she'd go to prom with me when we were dating.

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Now that’s what you call a blind date.


Blind love

u/Blorph3 avatar

Love is always blind.

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u/Boop0p avatar

It's a nice video, however putting crappy backing tracks to videos like this to try and manipulate the emotions of the viewers is really irritating.


and makes it really hard to understand what she was saying, exactly.


Yeah I had to watch it twice

I did and still I am not sure what she said....can someone transcript it plz ?!

u/TrollinTrolls avatar

Her: "Wait that's a 'P'".... "Um, R" .... "O" .... "GASP AHAHAH THAT'S SO COOL <CRY LAUGH KINDA THING>

Him: hugs immediately "So is that a yes <laugh w/ heavy breathing>?"

Her: "YEah! <super happy laugh>"

Piano: "Is anyone still actually listening to me?"

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u/drummer11x avatar

Helpful tip: The word you’re looking for is transcribe!

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Lucky you, she couldn't watch it at all.

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I'm literally in the comments trying to find out what they said.

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It only gets worse with tik tok. It's being used to post videos like any other social media site except now with tracks

u/CelestialFury avatar

Tik tok is also spyware that goes straight to the Chinese government. NO ONE should install it on their phones.

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Right? I called out a Police Department for doing that on Twitter with their video release of an officer rescuing a guy out of a burning car. Had very intense piano music playing.

It’s was arranged by prince ea so that explains why. He’s like my third least favorite youtuber

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Ok, so now I know I’m not dead inside.

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Don't they look kinda young for prom?


I dont know. Back in caveman times when I went to high school we had a prom for every grade. And as long as your date was in that grade you could attend. So I went to prom with my girlfriend when I was in eighth grade and she was a freshman. So I was like 14 when i went to my first prom.

u/ankhes avatar

Yeah, we had two ‘proms’ in my high school. Prom for upperclassmen and ‘Morp’ for underclassmen. So everybody got a chance to go to party, even the 14 year olds (just with slightly more supervision than regular Prom).

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Junior Prom, I mean you are like 16

Nah you're just getting older.

I remember being on the bus when I was in first grade, thinking the Sr High kids looked like adults. Now they look like babies.

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They look the exact prom age.

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I feel so aww until I see the TikTok logo...

u/Zazamak avatar

Judging by his reaction, she's in safe hands.


This generation is starting to give me hope


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She has the most lovely laugh and he’s so kind I hope they get married

No thank you. I'm seeing someone


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u/TrumpBump19 avatar

Love is blind!

i think he was more excited

My mom's blind. Instant upvote.

Damn dude, give her a fucking second to answer before you hug her.

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u/myeverymovment avatar

Now I wanna hug him

u/The_Great_Squijibo avatar


u/699966 avatar

Proposal to go to prom.


I thought they was getting married! I was confused because they both like 14 lol

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Damn they look so young now I feel old and I'm crying

u/KingRezun avatar


u/KittenImpossible avatar

20/20 even

u/maxtitanica avatar

Not from her. Sorry I feel bad already lol


God damn bro

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Nah a perfect 5/7

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What was she feeling? I couldn’t see over the stellar camera work, it looked like Hershey kisses.

u/wearethat avatar

Prom spelled out in braille

u/BuzzFB avatar

In Hershey kisses

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u/VirtuallyUnknown avatar

can we turn the piano down sheesh

That’s some next level relationship shit right there truly awesome


Bruh he can just say it, she not deaf

It’s cute

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I see

She has that Disney Princes laugh, she's a keeper.

If there is a r/blessedvideos this needs to be there

Blindness makes the heart grow fonder

u/conner_1108 avatar

Blind ya say

u/Cabejara avatar

Omg were those Hershey kisses??? What a great guy.

u/mostdope28 avatar

No way theyre old enough for prom. Maybe a a homecoming. But they’re def not upperclassmen

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Didnt know what emotion to feel- thanks sad music!!🤗🤗

Oh its a PROMposal lol

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u/Ragged-but-Right avatar

Blind date to Prom? What will his mother think?

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TIL my life is a lonely place

Some other guy who wanted to ask her to prom is thinking, I don't know what she sees in him.

u/Metuu avatar

I can imagine as a parent you worry about your child. I imagine even more so when they are blind.

For the parents to know she found someone who truly just loves her has to be a very good feeling.

u/Ragged-but-Right avatar

Now I’m imagining a movie where this guy takes 2 blind girls to prom with out them knowing he’s doubled up dates