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I’m a mail carrier and this sweetheart is one of the best parts of my day! We have been friends since 2012. I love him! :D

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u/ARooChaaChaa avatar

The grey whiskers of wisdom 😍

u/Joeman64p avatar

Many wisdom! Best boy is the oldest boi!

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u/WhtImeanttosay avatar

And now I love him too. I bet you’re the highlight of his day as well.

I doubt it for this guy, he’s obviously very loved! But there are several that I know without a doubt that I’m the only person who loved on them that day and it kills me. 😭

u/busybees123 avatar

I used to be a telephone engineer entering people's homes and i had the same thing, could just tell some dogs were not given the love from their owners that within 5 minutes of me being their I was their favourite person ever and they wanted to leave with me. I too wanted to take them with me. I did report a few to the RSPCA where I felt needed. Broke my heart not being able to take them all and give them all love!!

I’m sure that is the case some of the time but I have a dog who is a god damn lush even tho she is constantly laying on us getting pets sleeping in our bed the moment someone new shows up she’s on her manipulative dog game and gets all the pets. She’s sweet but she knows it

I think that’s this guys game but I’m ok with this type of manipulation! lol

Definitely, but I’d also pet the shit outta that dog.

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u/busybees123 avatar

Yeah I totally agree with that, my dog is the same... The ones I refer to you can just tell they aren't loved by their owners, the owners are very disinterested in the dogs. If they have dogs I used it as a good opener for small talk to break the silence when entering a home and most dog owners would talk about their dogs but these ones wpuld barely know the breed of their dog, the dogs nails would be super long and just that feeling! Going into upto 10 homes per day for 5 years you begin to get a good sense! Ill admit there will be the odd one i was wrong about! Just very sad to be leaving the pups behind

u/myparadoxicallurker avatar

My dog is the same way. She's so attention starved, despite the fact that the whole family dotes on her, and gets her new toys almost twice a week and is getting specialized dog food. I love my dog, but I always worry she might get kidnapped for being so friendly, it's one of the reasons I got her microchipped as a precaution.

u/Jezzibylle avatar

They have these new collars where there is a lightweight GPS unit built in. I actually am planning on getting some with my next paycheck because I'm afraid of my dogs getting lost in an evacuation (CA+Wildfire season)

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I see a lot. The hardest part of my job has to be seeing the neglected children and animals. It physically hurts to see and not be able to step in immediately.

I have a cat who literally would deceive the best. He's head shy for no God damn reason, so you'd think I beat the poor bugger.

He's loud as all get out. Cry meowing and sooking like he's never been touched in his life.

Purrs like a Husqvarna and will roll all over you, the ground, and make circles around stranger. Literally had a internet provider doing an install at a new apartment for me take an extra 45 mins cause my cat wouldn't leave him alone/the guy loved cats and stopped to love on him every few minutes.

But you're probably 100% right that there are some, who you're the beam of light and joy in their life whenever you stop by. I bet there are people, not just dogs who feel this way about you too.

u/reelmonkey avatar

I do that job and thankfully I havent had the need to call the RSPCA or ans sort of child welfare. But I know a few guys that have.

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u/Turtle_Hermits avatar

I grew up with this stereotype that mailmen always get chased away by the dog. Reddit has taught me over the years that the exact opposite is true.

Well I believe it depends on the neighborhood. I’ve seen plenty of mail carriers carry pepper spray and it’s not mainly because of humans although I’m sure it’s a secondary reason.

u/CouncilTreeHouse avatar

I actually had a dog growing up that would chase our mailman. She was less than 10lbs and could jump a six foot fence (part poodle, springy legs), if we weren't paying attention.

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Whaaat? No, I can’t hear this. Can you adopt them all? Please??

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My dogs find anyone new (including me if I’ve been out for over an hour) so much more exciting than anyone home with them. So whenever a delivery/repair person comes and my dogs try to tackle them with love and kisses. I’m always like gosh, 1) let the person breathe; dog slobber would be a horrible way to drown, and 2) I hope they know these girls are loved and cuddled tons, in fact since covid they hide from us because we constantly want them to cuddle and play and they just want to sleep, lol.

Nah, don't sell yourself short. You're definitely the highlight of the day.

Just think. You show up every day, give them cuddles and treats like clockwork. You've never done anything that isn't super-positive. You've never raised your voice because they peed indoors. Never given them something to eat that they didn't like. Never accidentally stepped on their tail. Never taken them to the vet.

All normal things that a good pet-owner would have done.

You're like mom and Santa all rolled into one, but better.

Thanks for being so wonderful! <3

You should put a collar on him so you can attach a note for the owners, so you can ask them this good boi's name!

You are my favorite kind of person :)! You give those doggos your love :)!

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Delivering luvs.

Not to be dramatic or anything but I would die for this pupper.

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u/m0rris0n_hotel avatar

The dog probably views it as part of its dogly duties.

“Gotta go say hi to the hooman at the usual time”

u/SmokePenisEveryday avatar

"Most of us get into it for the treats but its the pets that keep you going"

I have no idea why, but I just read that in Jeff Spicoli’s voice and it sounded right.

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He loves you :-)

Or he’s buttering me up for cookies... I’m cool with that too :D

Nah. He seemed to love the pets too. Cookies are just a bonus.

Now you can’t leave your mail route in his lifetime or he’ll wonder why the nice lady who visited him daily abandoned him.

I have Aussies, it's both. They are very food obsessed, but they're sooo affectionate too. Cookies + lovin = the best!

Very affectionate but also on their own terms!

When they want loves they demand it lol. But when it’s play time they tend to give no mind to pets at all. The ones I’ve been around anyways. (Never my own but a few friends have had them over the years)

u/guarks avatar

For sure. When mine gets fixated on a tennis ball he has ZERO time for pets and lovey dovey bullshit. But he's super affectionate the rest of the time.

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u/bubblypebble avatar

He loves both you and the cookies!!! 🤣🤣

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He absolutely loves you. What a good boy

Thank you to our terrific mail carriers and the USPS - mail and packages, not matter what!

u/Dogs_Akimbo avatar

I would like to apologize to our mail carriers; our newest dog had a traumatic start and still barks at you sometimes.
Sometimes she still barks at me.
She’s getting better.


Maybe give your good girl a treat every time the mail comes? Might make her associate the mail and mail person with treats. Idk if it will work but that’s why I started carrying dog treats to begin with and all the dogs are my friends! Lol

u/aint_i_a_peach avatar

Our mail carrier gives our dog treats if he's out in the yard when the mail is delivered. Consequently, he goes ape shit when the mailman comes by. He stops for a moment to eat, then bolts off along the fence line continuing to bark. He's a terrier, so I don't expect this to ever change. We have finally trained him to only give low barks at people walking by on the street, but if he's outside or someone comes into our yard all bets are off.

I dint know the exact English word, but we call it fence aggresion. Our dogs are the same. They bark and flip out, absolutely crazy even when I drive up. As soon as I open the door, silence, happiness, wagging....

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u/pinewind108 avatar

Our Frenchie always barked at the UPS man - until he started getting Bark Box packages, lol. Those sure changed his attitude about delivery people!

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That face. 🥰

Thanks for sharing!

I know right!!! And those kind brown eyes 😍

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u/QueenOfCaffeine842 avatar

I aww-ed out loud. Such trust and love!

That makes my heart happy!! I wish everyone could get hugs from him! He’s one of my last stops and truly lifts my spirits every time he comes to say “hi”!

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u/frankctutor avatar

I didn't know the treat carrier also brought mail.

u/ForFudgeandCountry avatar

Two cookies!?! Yes, pup deserves them.


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What a special bond for the two of you. A dog who shares your heart. And you who has shared his.

That’s such a sweet way to look at it!🥰

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u/Jlaumann98 avatar

That's enough to make a grown man cry.

If you want More just think that one day he will go to deliver mail and the dog will be there no more to greet him. That day is gonna suck for OP

Better that than OP bailing on the dog for a new route or something! It looks like it has lived a long, full, and loving life. Gotta be there till the end for him!

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I love this dog

So precious🥺

Goodest boi


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I’m a rural carrier. I don’t have to wear a uniform and I carry in my own car. I don’t do after hours visiting lol

u/Maanee avatar

Video must be flipped then.

Right hand drive I assume.

u/Maanee avatar

Yeah but if the video isn't flipped, that's a lhd vehicle.

Oh yeah, duh. Whoops, long day.

Pretty common to see vans especially but also SUVs with a RHD setup in the rural areas I’ve lived in.

But they also don’t always have them. It depends on how the boxes are setup on the route if they are even totally needed. It could very well be a regular LHD vehicle.

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Nope. I don’t have a right hand drive. They are expensive! I lean over the passenger side and use tongs to deliver for now.

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u/short_womans avatar

The way you say “bless you” is exactly how I say it to my animals 😂

Also, this is the definition of puppy dog eyes 🥺

I’m so bad with baby talking to dogs. It’s my only flaw. Lol

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What a sweet pupper coming to see you every day!

Thank you for your service!

u/VforAll avatar

did you know sneezing is dog language for "I agree" or "thanks"

I sure didn’t! Thanking me for the cookies and giving me hugs too!? I don’t think my heart can handle this revelation!!!

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I'm a mail carrier as well and the only dogs i encounter during my route just want to eat me alive. Please good sir teach me the ways. I have been bitten twice already and ran away about 10 times it's becoming tiring.

u/octobericious avatar

Sorry but your post made me laugh. I just found it funny as your experience it’s such a stark contrast to this video. I don’t know. Anyway, I hope you find a way to deal with those dogs. Good luck and we appreciate your work.

I bribe them with dog treats! Lol


maybe i should try that!

All the dogs seem to like it(and me!)lol

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u/coachslg avatar

Plot twist, the guy/girl that you replaced used to give them treats. They're pissed that you don't, so they've gone rogue.

u/Wary_beary avatar

I’ve been a carrier for 25 years. I’ve been bitten 3 times in my career, and every time it was when I was filling in on a route where the regular carrier fed the dogs. I’ve made friends with the dogs on my route without feeding them, and neither I nor any other carrier has ever been bitten on my route.

Some dogs are like the one in the video; they come for the treats and stay for the love. Others, though, see it as a transactional relationship once food is involved. They get angry if they don’t get their treat, or even if you hand it to them differently than they’re used to.

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Border Collies are the best... I’m lucky enough to have two. This reminds me so much of my Ruby

Is that what he is? I wasn’t sure if he was a mini Aussie or a border collie! Either way brilliant doggies with big hearts!!

I mean you’re right... after I noticed the no tail it could be either. They are very similar

My family owns both a mini aussie and border collie. They are very similar indeed, but I gotta say he looks more like a mini aussie.

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Faith in humanity has been restored.

They get a visit, mail or no mail.

I love how it's so casual for him

This immediately made me want to become a mail carrier. Then, I remembered I wouldn't leave the houses like this and no one would get their mail.

But look at him! Dog hugs are the best.

There are several dogs on my route that I get to love on and they are the BEST part of my job, hand downs! This guy has been this friendly since the first day we met and has a special place in my heart, though!

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u/nicknameedan avatar

I can't really imagine what might tops this part of the day


That looks just like my dog! Same brown under neck too.

Next time I stop I’ll ask them if they go by u/bill_gonorrhea on reddit!

Mine has a tail! 😂

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u/bailz avatar

Do you loop around at all? He might want to go on par of your route. Slobber mail for everybody!

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u/WillLie4karma avatar

Because I get asked almost every day about mine, let me pass on the question I'm sure you get asked constantly. What do your knuckles say/mean.

“Book Worm” lol What do yours say?

u/WillLie4karma avatar

Just have "Rise" for now. Kind of a mutual call to arms (gives me a chance to tell people to stand up for civil rights), and constant reminder to get off my own lazy ass.

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I love when people let mail drivers pet their dogs or cats

Me toooooo 🥰

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u/Sisuanna avatar

Bravo. I am fighting for you guys!

u/ems9595 avatar

He loves his pets!

u/cannolidoge22 avatar

I wish my dogs would do this to our mail carrier instead of bork and bork so loudly. This pup is such a love!

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u/numerousbullfrogs avatar

And I’ve been complaining about my mail arriving late. This explains it! Kudos!


Pretty boy

u/Moxie07722 avatar

The mailman where I used to live carried treats with him. He was friends with all the dogs on his route.

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Awww! He looks just like my Sydney!!! She was an Australian Shepard I had for about 15 years, starting in college. I’ll be saving this video to watch when I miss her!!!

:( I’m so sorry for your loss! I can’t imagine what that must feel like. I hope this sweet boy fills your heart when youre in pain! ❤️❤️❤️

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The best part of this is that this pup has no idea that you are there to drop off mail. It’s not like he knows what mail is. In his mind, some cool dude comes to his house every day specifically to give HIM some pets and cookies! I would feel like a damn million bucks if someone came to my house everyday for pets and cookies.

Interesting postal outfit.

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I work FedEx and can’t wait to make dog friends now lol

Hi cousin! You will make so many frans!! Keep a box of treats in your truck to buy their love like I do! Lol

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u/Aggravating-Pea193 avatar

Be’ve considered stealing that dog, haven’t you?🤓

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Sooo sweet

u/Fluffy-The-Alien avatar

This siren plays when we see a good boy. 📢📢📢

Damnit Cortnie, that was sweet!

Mom? Is that you?

Hahaha 😂

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Have a similar few, im a mail carrier, they have a hous with 4 Chihuahuas they have almost bit me twice in 3 years, the only two times I tried befriending them

Omg chihuahuas are THE WORST!!

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If you didn't turn in a 3996, you need to get on down the road.

I’m allowed 30 min break so hush. Lol

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This is pure pup love. We don't deserve animals.

This makes my heart sing


I went home early after a rough morning and feeling like I had a migraine building. Walking out to my car through the ER I saw one of the volunteers with my favorite coworker. Then went home and took a nap.

Migraines suuuuck! I hope you feel better! Thank you for sharing this! Hercules now has a piece of my heart! 🥰😍

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I miss my doggy :c

What a sweet doggo. ❤️

Got my cookies. I'm headed out

Actually, quantum mechanics forbids this

u/cutelittlebamafan avatar

What a special bond. My mail carrier throws my mail as she runs away while seeing/hearing my 90lb GSD at door :/

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My mail lady loves my dog. She comes to see her even when we don't have mail. My girl loves it!

Your ink settled in so nice I hope mine stays that vibrant.

I can’t say this enough, use sunscreen!

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u/Dogeluver99 avatar

I don’t speak dog that well, but I think he loves you too, big time.

u/birdyroger avatar

When I was a mail carrier in the early 1970's, dog and mail carriers were at war with each other. What happened?

Dog treats :D I buy their love! Lol

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u/GibleRider avatar

Aw, I love Aussies. They're the best dogs. Mine past away a year ago. ;(

u/Conlink avatar

He knows you love him

What a good pup. You can tell pup loves the mail carrier too.

The love looks mutual.

i don’t know how you’d be able to drive away from that face! he’s adorable :,)

Its so hard!!! ❤️

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u/wuhkay avatar

Got me choked up. Not sure why. So cute.

how do you get any work done??

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Atchooo lololol

I wonder what happens when you take a week off for vacations? Does he give your replacement the stink-eye or does he greet them the same way? He’s probably suspicious for a couple of days and then warms up if they’re nice to him, I would guess.

The other carrier gives all the doggies on this route treats too! We love all the animals!

That’s good to hear. I’d hate for your Buddy to be sad when you have a day off.

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Please tell me you keep treatos with you for all the good boys on your route. I keep treatos in my car just in case I meet a good boy running errands 😁

They all get treats!! I love all the doggies on my route!! I panic if I run out because I don’t want to disappoint!!

Yay!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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How nice that the mail carrier went out of their way to give their love and affection to the hooman, what a nice mail carrier, looks very soft too



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u/CouncilTreeHouse avatar

His owners need to get a new young dog so he can teach him to give you all the love when he crosses the Rainbow Bridge.

The little dog sneeze is dog code for “I trust you and welcome you”

Someone else said that too! Knowing this makes my heart sooo full rn!! ❤️❤️❤️

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The ups guy comes to visit our dog even when we don’t have a package to deliver. We absolutely love it. I am sure that dog and the owners are grateful and love you too.

If only the politicians loved you as much as this dog does…

OP: gives cookies to dog

Dog: Thank you have a nice day.

Me: Awwwww!

That’s really how it goes except I say “awww”all the way back to the office after those purchased hugs!

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I was a mailman for 10 years. The good boys and girls were a great part of the job.


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u/CapnCan avatar

But those ears at the treat score. Puppy all the way. Nice USPS outfit, too. Go USPS!

Awww, my heart! He's such a sweet baby boy!

I'm not crying over the cute, you are!

I am 😭😍😭

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What’s his/her name?

His owners called him “Sweetie” one day like 8 years ago so that’s his name when I see him!

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I love that you gave him treats. That's so kind of you.

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u/luvgsus avatar

I bet you bring him some treats every now and then. He's so lovable, cute and adorable. You're lucky to have such a great friend.

He gets treats every time I see him! I’m very blessed! Thank you! ☺️

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What a very friendly dog I really like him too!

That’s awesome

Aww. What a sweet pup. He clearly loves you and I'm sure you are one of the best parts of his day too. 💕

I don't know you or if anyone tells you this, but, u/damnitcortnie , you are all that is beautiful with humanity, you're a good human being. <3


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u/JeanFlynn avatar

And he or she loves you very much too!!

I can’t help but think you’re one of the 8 mail carriers/delivery drivers he swindles for treats everyday. Work smarter, not harder :P

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When I come home and open my car door, my pup does the same thing. Love it.

u/mikedd55 avatar

he probably misses you on sundays when you dont deliver :(

u/Cleverbird avatar

Oh sure, when a dog does it they get pets and treats, but when I do it I get the cops called on me.

u/doublebullshit avatar

Don’t want to be that guy but you should spring for a better treat than milk bones. Those are terrible

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u/Mudslingshot avatar

Cute pup.... But mail carriers don't wear uniforms or drive mail trucks where you live?

Or do mail carriers visit the people on their route on their days off.....

Im a rural mail carrier. We don’t have uniforms and we drive our own vehicle. City carriers wear uniforms and drive the LLV’s and vans. I also don’t do any after hours visiting! I’m pooped after work and just wanna be with my family!

u/Mudslingshot avatar

Oh wow, that's a very different system than the one I'm used to. That's pretty cool!

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I’m not sure how it is everywhere in the US but it’s like this in every office I’ve worked in so far! 🤷🏻‍♀️

u/Mudslingshot avatar

That's really interesting! Everywhere I've lived has had dedicated mail trucks that are picked up full at the beginning of the shift, and dropped off empty at the end

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Aww, what a sweetheart! Love your tats, btw.

u/Scapadap avatar

Ah yes the ancient rivalry of dog vs mail man

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Border collies are awesome!

u/ik0o avatar

Glad you have a friend you get to see everyday at work.

Humanity doesnt deserve dogs

We REALLY don’t.

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OMG I love him too

u/timmbberly avatar

Snuggle break!