01/6​5 ways to treat your children apart from food

Who doesn’t enjoy treats? From our kids to us, all of us like getting little treats every now and then. But not everyone likes sweets and junk foods, which is also not good for health. Talking about this, it’s a good idea to tell your kids that a treat doesn’t always have to be something related to food.

So, next time you want to celebrate your kid’s good grades or appreciate their effort for packing their bags and making the bed, consider offering them these non-edible treats.


02/6​Allow them to do a messy activity

​Allow them to do a messy activity

For some, it might be painting using their hands while for others it might be playing with slime. There is surely something that your child loves to do that creates a mess and is a hassle to clean up. Save this activity for a special treat.


03/6​Some extra screen time

​Some extra screen time

If your kid’s screen time is not already out of control, allow them some extra screen time when you want to appreciate their efforts. You can allow then extra 15-30 minutes on Ipad or TV to motivate them to keep doing good things in future as well.


04/6​Give them your time

​Give them your time

Though this should not be considered as a treat but something parents should make sure to do regularly. But how many of you are guilty of not spending enough time with your kids because of your busy schedule? I am sure many of us.

Next time, when you want to treat your kids for their hard work, take them on a small date. The date doesn’t have to be expensive. You can simply walk the dog together or you can play their favourite game with them. You can even go shopping together.


05/6A late-night (when there is no school next day)

A late-night (when there is no school next day)

We all have to stick to our schedule each and every day if we don’t want to mess up and rush the next day. We make sure to sleep on time and put our kids to sleep on time too (while they are totally not in a mood to go to bed).

Sometimes letting your kid stay up a little late can be a real treat for them.


06/6​Drop your kid or pick his friend for a playdate

​Drop your kid or pick his friend for a playdate

Don’t all of us love to spend time with our friends?

Sometimes instead of giving your kid and ice cream as a reward, you can drop them to their friend’s place or pick their friend and get him to your place.

If your kid is a grown-up, you can also leave him and his friend alone without supervision. They love to go out and do things together when you are not spying on them.
