Firm With Sterling Reputation Matches Biglaw Bonuses

Another firm matches.

After enough of these bonus posts, it’s impossible to find much interesting to say without resorting to cheap puns. I don’t want to do it, dear reader, it’s just all that’s left. How many times can one publication say, “another firm has declared ‘Cravath Jesus Take The Wheel'” and turned over its compensation authority to the whims of the big shots perched metaphorically alone upon Eighth Avenue and middle of nowhere street?

And so we find ourselves playing with Shearman & Sterling’s name. The venerable firm that brands itself as a mid-range men’s shoe store gave its U.S. track associates the good news that they’ll be matching Cravath’s bonuses, payable on January 15, 2019.

Class of 2018 – $15,000 (pro-rated)
Class of 2017 – $15,000
Class of 2016 – $25,000
Class of 2015 – $50,000
Class of 2014 – $65,000
Class of 2013 – $80,000
Class of 2012 – $90,000
Class of 2011 and above – $100,000

Congratulations to Shearman & Sterling associates!

(Full memo reproduced on the next page…)

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Earlier: Biglaw Firm Rebrands, And The New Logo Is… Let’s Just Say ‘Unconventional’

HeadshotJoe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news.


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