Gimlet's Union Drive, Twisted Graphene, and Psychedelic Mice: Best Gizmodo Stories of the Week

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Well, folks, it’s just a few hours shy of the turn of the month, and you know what that means: April Fool’s Day. Yes, it’s that special time of year when insipid brands, mean-spirited teens, and tech titans compete to be the first to trick you into thinking they released Skittle’s... For Men, that it’s a good idea to eat an entire pod of datura seeds, or that they’re releasing a new app that’s like Uber but with riding lawnmowers, respectively.

Well, the team here at Gizmodo is above that. Instead of planning a dumb joke, we’ve spent the last week reporting out stories on everything from Gimlet Media’s attempts to stall a staff unionization effort and Silicon Valley’s slow-but-steady pivot to militarism to experiments with mice and psychedelics. We wrote about a wave of disease and mental health crises in southeastern Africa following the devastating impact of Cyclone Idai, as well as how Superfund sites stateside were hit by this month’s bomb cyclone. Elsewhere, we looked back at sci-fi classic The Matrix for its 20th anniversary, explored advancements in graphene, and continued our series on 30 years of the web.


Finally, Gizmodo would like to announce that all of our readers, and especially Kinja commenters, have won one free rocket trip definitely not directly into the Sun!* Be sure to get to the G.M.G. Sunmodo bright and early tomorrow, because you’ll be launching at noon! And keep your ears open for a “surprise announcement” during the trip... Let’s just say this trip is going to be the hottest tech and science experience of 2019! 😎


*Rocket will be launched directly into the Sun.
