The recent hearing lawmakers held into whether the “Lincoln stovepipe hat” is the real McCoy turned up other concerns about the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum.

“I’ve never, ever seen any marketing of the museum in the Chicagoland
area. If it’s happening, it’s not happening well,” said State Rep. Marcus Evans (D-Chicago).

“When I arrived here in 2016, we did not” have a strategic, long-term marketing plan, said museum director Alan Lowe. “We since then have put together that marketing plan that uses both traditional and social-media marketing of how we move forward with bringing more people into our museum, our programming, our rentals, all those
things which expand our brand around the nation and around the world.”

Attendance has been about 300,000 a year.

Lowe said the governor has yet to appoint a board of trustees for the museum.