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Toronto Says Fvck It, And Will Show "The Interview" Anyways

Suck it, Kim Jong Un.
Toronto Says Fvck It, And Will Show "The Interview" Anyways

Photo cred - The Dallas Morning News

The Seth Rogan, James Franco movie that's been pulled from theaters all over North America for offending the North Korean government isn't going down without a fight. A Torontonian has taken it upon himself to organize a screening of the flick here in the city, his rationale being that succumbing to pressure for North Korean hackers is cowardly.

A date has been set for the screening- January 8th- but no venue or copy of the film have been found yet. According to the Facebook event description, these will both be sorted out if enough people show interest in the event. Taylor Scollon, the organizer, encourages people to spread the news widely, explaining that they will find a big enough venue to accommodate everyone who wishes to come.

The event has nearly 300 attendees at the time that this article is being written. It's been growing in popularity very quickly since the page was made yesterday afternoon. The host asks for donations from anyone attending, the proceeds of which will go to Liberty In North Korea, an American organization that helps North Koreans flee the country and gain refugee status elsewhere.

Check out the movie screening's Facebook event here.

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