It’s sad when people are consumed by so much hate and anger, that they lose all sense of decency and humanity, behaving like wild animals.

After what we understand to have been a near-accident, the driver seemingly responsible for it, walked up to apologize to the other motorist, a woman in a Hyundai Sonata.

Whether it was the litany of hate coming from her lips or a trolling opportunity, we do not know, but the man went over with his phone camera rolling and that’s where it got NSFW.

The guy says he’s sorry but the middle-aged woman will have none of that.

“F**k you,” she says. “If I had a gun, I would shoot you dead. Give me your God damn phone. I’m going to God damn kill your kids and your mother. I’ve got people that will do what you are. It’s Alaska. I’m going to God damn run you.”

From then on, the driver is politely trolling her, but really, who can blame him? In fact, we’ll give him a thumbs up for keeping his cool as it gets worse, much worse, with the woman going on a racist rant.

“Open up your God damn [she really loves saying that, doesn’t she?] eyes and learn how to drive you f***ing Muslim. You are a Muslim, right?” we hear her say. “God damn son of a ni**er loving atheist b@tch”. Sheez….