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About Resume Shoppe

Studies show that your resume only has 6 seconds to visually impress your prospective employer. ResumeShoppe’s creative resume templates will showcase your creativity while remaining professional and practical, even for non-creative fields. Our mission is to help increase your job chances at affordable prices!

You don’t have to be a designer to create a beautiful resume. Our templates will give your next employer the idea that you had put an unbelievable amount of time in creating your resume – which is a good thing of course. In reality, you just used one of our templates and entered your info with Microsoft Word or Pages for Mac.

The whole process shouldn’t take longer than 10 minutes.

Start shopping now.

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The Team

Meet the team behind ResumeShoppe:

Paul Jansen – Owner

As the owner of ResumeShoppe Paul makes sure each and every customer is happy on a daily basis. When you have a question, usually Paul is the one who will get you the answer. If you would like to discuss you can also contact Paul.

Nikki Jenkins – Designer

Nikki is responsible for both the designs of the templates and the design of the website.

Erica Davies – Content Manager

When you are reading one of the articles on the site, that’s usually one of Erica’s. She is also responsible for getting our name out there.