The 21st Show

What does Illinois’ Reproductive Health Act actually do?

Illinois State Representative Kelly Cassidy (center) spearheaded the passage of Illinois' Reproductive Health Act. She's currently the only openly gay woman serving in Illinois' state legislature.

Illinois State Representative Kelly Cassidy (center) spearheaded the passage of Illinois' Reproductive Health Act. She's currently the only openly gay woman serving in Illinois' state legislature. Photo via Blueroomstream

As lame duck session wound down in Springfield, the Illinois General Assembly passed a wide-ranging bill creating a host of new protections for people who provide or receive reproductive health care, including abortion, as well as gender-affirming care.

The 21st was joined by an Illinois state representative who was a lead sponsor on the Reproductive Health Act, which, among other things, made abortion access a fundamental right in Illinois.


State Rep. Kelly Cassidy





Prepared for web by Owen Henderson

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