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Untethered jailbreak for iOS 9.2-9.3.4 devices teased by dora2ios

Matrix code hacked iPhone.

Talented jailbreak developer @dora2ios, known for their work on projects such as the Kok3shi9 jailbreak for iOS 9.3.x devices, the meowbrek2 semi-untether for the palera1n jailbreak, and for tinkering with the kernel file descriptor (KFD) exploit to make iOS 16-based jailbreaks for arm64 devices, appears to be working on something new that might be of interest for anyone using legacy iOS 9 firmware.

Security researcher says PoC for kernel vulnerability targeting iOS 17.4.1 and older coming soon

iPhone hacked matrix.

Apple on Monday released iOS & iPadOS 17.5, with a substantial part of that update incorporating a handful of security patches. At the very top of Apple’s “About the security content of iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5” web page is CVE-2024-27804, a peculiar kernel vulnerability in AppleAVD which had the potential impact of an app being able to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges.

Pokébox Reborn brings Pokémon game-themed aesthetics to jailbroken iPhones’ notification systems

Pokébox Reborn banner image.

Remember all those jailbreak tweaks that used to bring classic Pokémon game-styled aesthetics to iPhone and iPad notifications? PokeBar, one that we showed you back in 2020, comes to mind, as does a similar release for iOS 12 by iOS developer SkittyBlock. These add-ons were popular among jailbreak enthusiasts, and among fans of the original Pokémon games.