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Posts tagged "vortex ring"

Not long ago, we learned for the first time that dandelion seeds fly thanks to a stable separated vortex ring that sits behind their bristly pappus. Building on that work, researchers have now published a mathematical analysis of flow around a simplified dandelion pappus. Despite their simplifications, the model captures the flow observed in the previous experiments (bottom image: experiments on left; model on right). 

The model also allowed researchers to test various features – like the number of filaments in the pappus – and see how they affected the flow. Interestingly, they found that dandelion flight was most stable with about 100 filaments, which is right around the number of a typical pappus! (Image credits: dandelion - Pixabay, figure - P. Ledda et al.; research credit: P. Ledda et al.; via APS Physics; submitted by Kam-Yung Soh and Marc A.)

Rainfall can help spread pathogens from an infected plant to healthy ones. This transfer can happen both through droplets and by dry-dispersal of pathogen spores (top). When a raindrop hits a leaf, its initial spread triggers a vortex ring of air that can lift thousands of dry spores into a swirling trajectory (bottom). That boost in height carries spores beyond the slower wind speeds of the plant’s boundary layer and into faster air streams that disperse it toward healthy plants. (Image and research credit: S. Kim et al.)

To kick off Plant Week here on FYFD, we’re taking a closer look at that ubiquitous flower: the dandelion. Love ‘em or hate ‘em, these little guys manage to get just about everywhere, thanks in part to their amazing ability to stay windborne for up to 150 km! To do that, the dandelion uses a bristly umbrella of tiny filaments, known as a pappus, that can generate more than four times the drag per area of a solid disk. Its porosity – all that empty space between the filaments – is also key to its stability; it helps create and stabilize a separated vortex ring that the seed uses to stay aloft. Check out the full video below! (Image and video credit: N. Sharp)

You may not give it much thought, but there is important fluid dynamics happening inside you every moment of every day, especially inside your heart. Of the four chambers of the heart, the left ventricle has the thickest walls, reflecting its important task: pumping oxygenated blood throughout the body. In a healthy heart (top of poster; click here for the full-size version), a vortex ring and trailing jet fill the ventricle when the mitral valve opens. Then the ventricle contracts and pumps blood out the aortic valve and into the rest of the body.

But for individuals with a leaking aortic valve (bottom of poster), things look different. Blood leaks back through the aortic valve at the same time that the mitral valve opens to allow freshly oxygenated blood back in. The two inflows disrupt mixing in the chamber, and, instead of pumping fully-oxygenated blood into the body, the left ventricle has to struggle to pump a less-oxygenated mixture into the body. (Image credit: G. Di Labbio et al.)

ETA: (Research paper: G. Di Labbio et al., arXiv)

As someone who has played with her share of vortex cannons, I can assure you that messing around with smoke generators and vortex rings is a lot of fun. And in this video, Dianna gives things a little twist: she makes the vortex cannon’s mouth a square instead of a circle.

Now, that doesn’t create a square vortex ring. (Vortex rings don’t really do 90-degree corners.) But it does make the vortex ring all neat and wobbly. Whenever you have two vortices near one another (or, in this case, two parts of a vortex line near one another), they interact. As Dianna shows with hurricanes, depending on the direction of rotation and their relative strength, nearby vortices can orbit one another or travel together in straight lines – or they can cause more complicated interactions, like in the case of the square-launched rings.  

I think there may also be some interesting effects here from vortex stretching, but that’s a topic for another day! (Video and image credit: D. Cowern/Physics Girl; see also: LIBLAB; submitted by Maria-Isabel C.)

During the recent Perseid shower, photographer Petr Horálek caught an awesome timelapse of an exploding meteor and the vortex ring it created. This is a type of persistent train left when meteors pass through the upper atmosphere. The exact physics are not well understood because such events are difficult to observe; catching them at all is basically just happenstance. But one interpretation is that we’re seeing trails of plasma left by the ionization of parts of the meteor. When the meteor hits the upper atmosphere, there’s an extremely strong hypersonic shock wave. The jump in temperature across that shock wave is enough to pull atoms apart, creating a plasma. The train left by this meteor’s demise was faintly visible even an hour after the fireball. (Image credit: P. Horálek, video version; via APOD; submitted by Andrea S.)

One of the most enduringly popular submissions I receive is T. Lim’s experimental footage of two vortex rings colliding head-on. It’s an devilishly tough experimental set-up to master because perfectly aligning the rings is incredibly difficult. The pay-off, however, is huge because the breakdown of the colliding rings and their transformation into secondary rings is breathtaking. Destin at Smarter Every Day and his team have worked hard to recreate the experiment (top video), but they’re not the only ones – nor are they the first in decades – to do so.

Ryan McKeown and a team at Harvard have a set-up of their own for vortex ring collisions, and you can see a little of it in action in the middle video. Ryan’s set-up is, frankly, incredible. It scans a light sheet through the vortex rings at high-speed, allowing him to capture the collision and break-up in minute detail in both space and time. What you see in the latter half of his video is a digital reconstruction of that data – not a simulation but real data! His work is capturing vortex collisions in unprecedented detail, allowing researchers to probe the smallest scales of the phenomenon.

When two vortex rings approach one another, they can undergo what’s known as a vortex reconnection event. Bubbles rings are a great place to see this. The vortex cores get distorted when they’re close to one another due to the influence of the other vortex ring’s velocity field. This often stretches and flattens the vortex core. It’s impossible for the rings to simply break apart, though, (per Helmholtz’s second theorem). So when the original vortex rings thin to the point of breaking, they immediately reconnect to a piece of the other ring, creating a series of small vortex rings around the remains of the originals. The exact details of how this works are what investigators like Ryan and his colleagues are trying to understand. You can hear a little more about their work in my interview with Ryan in the bottom video, starting at ~2.54. (Video credits: Smarter Every Day, R. McKeown et al., and N. Sharp and T. Crawford; submission credit: a huge number of readers)

Vortex rings may look relatively calm, but they are concentrated regions of intensely spinning flow, as this poor jellyfish demonstrates. The rings form when a high-speed fluid gets pushed suddenly (and briefly) into a slower fluid. In the case of this bubble ring, a burst of air is pushed by a diver into relatively still water. The vorticity caused by the two areas of fluid trying to move past one another forms the ring. Like a spinning ice skater who pulls his arms inward, the narrow core of the vortex spins fast due to the conservation of angular momentum. Meanwhile, the bubble ring moves upward due to its buoyancy, pulling nearby water in as it goes. This catches the hapless jellyfish (who relies on vortex rings itself) and gives it quite a spin. But. don’t worry, the photographer confirmed that the jelly was okay after its ride. (Video credit: V. de Valles; via Ashlyn N.)

One of the great challenges in visualizing fluid flows is the freedom of movement. A fluid particle – meaning some tiny little bit of fluid we want to follow – is generally free to move in any direction and even change its shape (but not mass). This makes tracking all of those changes difficult, and it’s part of why there are so many different techniques for flow visualization. The technique an experimenter uses depends on the information they hope to get. 

Often a researcher may want to know about fluid velocity in two or more directions, which can require multiple camera angles and more than one laser sheet illuminating the flow. An alternative to such a set-up is shown above. The injected fluid – known as a rheoscopic fluid – contains microscopic reflective particles, in this case mica, that are asymmetric in shape. Imagine a tiny rod, for example. By illuminating the rod from different directions with different colors of light, you can determine the particle’s orientation based on the color it reflects. Since the orientation of the particle depends on the surrounding flow, you can infer how the flow moves. (Image credit and submission: J. C. Straccia; research link: V. Bezuglyy et al.)