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About Me

The author relaxing at home

My name is Rob Weychert. I am a Brooklyn-based freelance graphic designer for pixels and occasionally print, striving to create layouts and interfaces that are organized, intuitive, and easy on the eyes. In recent years, I’ve shared my design expertise as a creative director at Happy Cog in Philadelphia and as an interaction designer at Harmonix in Boston. Today, still wanted by the government, I survive as a soldier of fortune, slowly piecing together a plot for world domination with my cohorts at Studiomates. Here are some fun facts about me:

  • My friends say the two adjectives that best describe me are “pale” and “opinionated.”
  • The last time I was clean shaven was in 2004. I did it for a costume.
  • My alter-ego Windhammer is a six-time US Air Guitar national finalist and hall of famer.
  • As someone with no tolerance for people who talk in movie theaters, I am ashamed to admit that the quietest moments of a theatrical screening make for the most satisfying knuckle-cracking.
  • My peanut butter and jelly sandwich will change your life.


This site is dedicated to the memory of my father, whose meticulous influence is felt in every syllable, every proportion, and every line of code. If you like, you can read some posts I’ve written about how and why the site was created.
