Dwayne Johnson Attached to 'Baywatch' Movie at Paramount Pictures
by Ethan Anderton
October 2, 2014
Source: THR
We've been hearing about a potential film adaptation of the cheesy lifeguard TV series Baywatch since as far back as 2009. The first iteration had The Break-Up director Jeremy Garelick writing and getting behind the camera while more recent efforts pegged Robert Ben Garant, one-half of the writing duo behind Night at the Museum, to direct the film with Bill Hader briefly rumored for a lead role. Now the film seems to have life again as THR reports Dwayne Johnson is loosely attached to lead what will be a comedic take on the material with We're the Millers writing duo Sean Anders & John Morris set to direct now. More below!
Johnson's name has been floated around the project before, but with no solid links. This still seems a little shaky, but an action comedy in the same vein as the 21 Jump Street franchise would be great with Johnson on board. As for the script, Justin Malen, a fresh writer who had his script Bastards make the Black List in 2011, is rewriting this time. Malen has also worked on the sequel script for Bad Teacher over at Sony Pictures, another comedy that seems to be stuck in development. It's not clear if this project will get off the ground this time, but Paramount is ready to try again. Stay tuned to see if it comes together.
Wow! So this is what film has reduced to huh?
Rock n Rollllll on Oct 3, 2014
With good writing, and dumb idea can make a quality movie, and that's probably more true about comedy than anything else. It sounds like it may parody the source a bit too, which is good news for this project.
OfficialJab on Oct 3, 2014
More like VEINwatch....
NicelyBuilt on Oct 3, 2014
What a waste of talent.
ragethorn on Oct 3, 2014
First time I would rather The Rock not do something.
DAVIDPD on Oct 4, 2014
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