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Mediumship 101 – What You Should Know

Mediumship 101 – What You Should Know

By Michelle Beltran


Psychic or medium reading… what is the difference?

In a psychic reading the intuitive generally works directly with spirit guides as well as their own higher knowing to receive information. You may receive guidance and advice regarding your past, present and future. You may also receive information pertaining to health, career, finances, love and relationships as well as guidance for your own spiritual growth and advancement.

In a medium reading the intuitive will link directly with the spirit world and your loved ones who have passed over, bringing any messages they have to you. In this reading you find answers you seek about the Other Side and your departed loved ones. These readings are a wonderful opportunity to understand and learn about the healing power of contact with the Hereafter. Through information received from spirit, you may also at times receive psychic information and guidance about your life. In a medium reading however, the distinction is that the information is presented by spirit.

Be mindful that all mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums.

Why does spirit come?

Spirits come to us for many reasons. It may be simply to say hello, to guide us in our earthly issues and events or to assist in healing and closure of our grieving. I find that often spirit has come to offer an apology. In addition to choosing when, where, and with whom they will send messages through, spirit chooses why they come. It is our task, to listen with an open mind and hear their messages.

How can I prepare for a medium or psychic reading?

  • Sit quietly for a few moments, then tell the spirit you wish to contact that you intend communication. They already know, but tell them anyway.
  • Recall and think about past memories, smells, traits, events or places you traveled with your loved one.
  • Set the intention for a joyful, expectation-free session.
  • Be certain and confident that your loved one has heard you.
  • Please be sure you are in a quiet place for the reading where you will not be uninterrupted.

What is an evidential medium?

An evidential medium will provide facts about your loved ones they could not possibly have known, such as how they passed, particular events, names, dates and special activities. Often times, specific clear and detailed memories will present. You will know it is your loved one the evidential medium is connecting with based upon the factual evidence presented.

Be patient. Please understand that spirit may take time to adjust to the Other Side. Think of it as that they are getting situated in a new home. They need time to adjust their passing in the same way that you do. Giving them this time to settle in assists them and makes the transition easier. Simply telling the universe and/or spirit that you are perfectly willing to wait for a time when they are ready to communicate helps them. You may want to request they show you a symbol when they are ready to come through. Also, remember that wanting to communicate with them too badly may hinder communication and the medium connection.

 How soon can I link with my loved one?

Spirit can communicate regardless of how long they have been on the other side. While some do communicate better than others, they all do have the ability to connect with you, whether they have passed one day ago, one year ago or 20 years ago. You may also notice in a reading that our loved ones often present with many of the similar personality traits and habits that they did while on earth in a physical body.

Language There is no language on the Other Side. Spirit communicates from a higher vibration and they are understood regardless of what language they spoke while living on earth. Language is merely an earthly way of communicating and for human sake.

What has spirit transcended to? I have learned that spirits most certainly have come to know a more enlightened state and are more spiritually advanced having passed over to the Other Side. However, spirit is not all-knowing. They often retain much of their personality they had while on earth albeit with a new and profound level of awareness. It is not uncommon during a reading for spirit to present at an age much younger than when they passed. This is because we have the choice, having passed over, to appear however we desire. In addition, near the age of 30 was often an optimal age so many choose to revert back to appearing as they would at that time in their earthbound experience.

See Also

Time There is no time on the Other Side, at least to the extent that we know it. However in order to get some sort of glimpse, I have learned through readings with spirit, that things move at a much faster pace on earth. This is, in part, why we come to earth, because the growth is exponential. We can learn in 80 years what we can learn in 800 years on the Other Side. Or, you may think of it that a blink of eye for someone in spirit world is 8 months to you and I. So, in this light, it is a gift to be here as the growth is immense.

What do our loved ones desire for us? It is generally the intent of spirit to bring the core of important challenges and issues to the forefront. Sometimes, they desire to do this right away. This is because of an intense desire to bring healing and growth to their loved ones still living. They realize the value of resolving issues and not leaving things unsettled before our own passing. Spirit also understands the importance of unconditional love and that we are all connected. Remember that your prayers for you loved one go a long way. They benefit from this deeply and hear you.

Our life lessons. While spirit generally comes with wonderfully insightful and profound healing messages, they will never provide information to the extent that they interfere with your life lessons and/or spiritual growth you were meant to incur. Please realize that a medium reading should not take the place of the grieving process. Some find that waiting one to two months after the loss of a loved one to schedule a reading is best.

How can I connect with my loved ones or my spirit guides?

The easiest way to connect with your loved one or your own spirit guides is through your dreams. Dreams bring powerful spiritual messages. Before you go to bed, tell your loved one you desire to visit with them. This is all you need to do. When you least expect it, they will come to you. You will know because your dream of them is especially vivid, full of love and feel good as opposed to fear or dread. There is no mistaking your loved one has indeed come.

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About Michelle Beltran

Learn more about Michelle by visiting or on Facebook If you would like to speak with Michelle directly contact her at Telephone: 775.544.2453 or by Email:

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