Must Watch: Comic-Con Trailer for 'Mad Max: Fury Road' Arrives

July 27, 2014
Source: YouTube

Mad Max: Fury Road Trailer

Comic-Con belongs to the MAD! Yes! Warner Bros has heard the buzz, many fans claiming that this footage is the best of Comic-Con, so here it is - released in full for everyone to enjoy. WB has launched a "Comic-Con First Look" trailer for George Miller's Mad Max: Fury Road, the film that has been delayed for years, was filmed back in 2012, and will finally hit theaters summer 2015. Tom Hardy stars as the new Mad Max, joined by Charlize Theron, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Nicholas Hoult, Zoë Kravitz and Hugh Keays-Byrne as the villain Immortan Joe. This looks so incredibly badass, showing you a hint of what we saw (there was more in the footage at Comic-Con), giving everyone a glimpse of the insane vehicular action.

Here's the "Comic-Con First Look" trailer for George Miller's Mad Max: Fury Road, from WB's YouTube:

Mad Max: Fury Road is a reboot of the adventure franchise that began with Mad Max in 1979, starring Mel Gibson. George Miller, the director of the original film and its sequel, is back behind the camera, working from a script he co-wrote with first-time writer Nick Lathouris. Within this world of fire and blood exist two rebels on the run who just might be able to restore order. There’s Max (Tom Hardy) a man of action and a man of few words, who seeks peace of mind following the loss of his wife and child in the aftermath of the chaos. Meanwhile, Furiosa (Charlize Theron) is a woman of action who believes her path to survival may be achieved if she can make it across the desert back to her childhood homeland. Nicholas Hoult, Zoe Kravitz, Riley Keough and more star in the film Warner Bros. Pictures releases on May 15th, 2015. Interested?


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Insanity. Solid trailer

rolyjimenez on Jul 27, 2014


this looks badass

Quynh Truong on Jul 27, 2014


This looks absolutely terrible, all style and substance, just some flashy visuals and explosions that would even make Michael Bay proud. This is what I was clearly afraid of when it comes to them making a Mad Max film to cater to Hollywood's audience today, just add a crap ton of explosions and the movie will be great right box office hit? The original films placed more of a major focus to the story because that is an element which truly matters not just fast cars. I am placing my bets they didn't even bother to focus on the story or script. and Tom Hardy is not Mad Max, Mel Gibson is. George Miller has lot all his marbles but I wouldn't blame him those stupid Happy Feet movies he was making probably made him dumber.

Stephen Ritchie on Jul 27, 2014


Aw, it's gonna be okay man. We know you're upset, but don't worry, take a nap, sleep on it. You'll feel better tomorrow.

Mike P. on Jul 27, 2014


Why do some of you guys have to be such dicks about what am saying, which is a valid point what am saying. How many blockbusters do we have today that actual takes a focus on the story compared to years ago. It's films like Michael Bay's own Transformers that has heavily influenced Hollywood's own attitude, just plain flat out visual only films meant to draw the audience in. Oh wow look at the cool special effects and oh wow look what we can do with today's new technology gimic we can pull off (3D etc). Look at a film like Blade Runner for example. Yes it has great effects and visuals, but most importantly it wasn't about the effects or visuals, it was about the story. Are we ever going to get another Blade Runner in today's Hollywood? No. You see this Mad Max trailer, it's just loaded with explosions and all these effects just to draw an audience catered towards today's Hollywood in which is you people who are being suckered in like mindless slaves. If this was a trailer in the Blade Runner era we would have actually seen a story.

Stephen Ritchie on Jul 27, 2014


I think there is a big difference between car stunts (mad max) and a stupid robot running around smashing buildings made by a pc (transformers).

Dant on Jul 27, 2014


Mad Max 2 was directly influenced by the film Shane, and made with a ton of violence thrown into the mix. Its story isn't that innovative but it captured the imagination because of how well done the production came across.

gothmusings on Jul 27, 2014


Like gothmusings below, I gotta say, man, Mad Max 2 didn't have much of a story either. Dude meets a dude, he holds him hostage for some gas, they meet a bunch of people at an oil refinery, they have a big chase, Max gets left behind. It's a classic and it works and it was pure and simple in how sparse it was. This is partially the equivalent of a sizzle real. You should be expecting a focus on crashes and action and costume design. Because that is exactly what the first two are remembered for. The third on is remembered mostly for Tina Turner and pig shit.

denverchris on Jul 27, 2014


So... trailers are generally edited to "draw an audience catered towards today's Hollywood". I'm actually quite glad they didn't provide more blatant spoilers for the storyline - most trailers these days seem to spoil all the best parts OF the storyline. Probably more likely to see it in the theater now due to curiosity. Explosions I can watch over and over happily. Storyline spoilers? Well, you can only spoil it once.

avconsumer2 on Jul 28, 2014


All style AND substance? Shouldn't make that make it a great movie then? Idiot.

Dant on Jul 27, 2014


clearly a typo, no need to throw names around, (asshole)

jay on Jul 27, 2014


Doesn't look like a typo. Look more like an inability to comprehend language.

Damn-Deal-Done on Jul 28, 2014


You're basing your whole entire opinion on just a trailer. Mad Max and Mad Max 2 both had tons of explosions, car chases and violent scenes. What this trailer showed isn't anything new when it comes to the franchise. Perhaps Michael Bay was influenced partially by those films, but his execution fell way short of the mark.

gothmusings on Jul 27, 2014


Did we watch the same trailer? This obviously is much more than a bunch of explosions. This looks like a new kind of trailer-making that lets visuals, sound effects and music synchronize to some sort of composition. And why would there be no story? I am happy the storyline is not revealed in full in the first trailer already.

Nash on Jul 27, 2014


Lots of action. There's a story there. Hopefully future trailers will show that.

Quanah on Jul 27, 2014


My thoughts, too... I doubt Theron and Hardy, or even Hoult, would have signed on without a decent script.

berkeleygirl on Jul 27, 2014


Hancock, This Means War, and Jack the Giant Slayer. Gotta pay the bills. Though I would love to be pleasantly surprised with a great script to join the action that is apparent in the trailer. If anything, it looks like Theron might steal the show.

Maxx on Jul 27, 2014


Looks like the events between Mad Max 2 and Beyond Thunderome.. IT WAS AWSOME!! 2015 MUST SEE!!

Gerardo Vazquez on Jul 27, 2014


Hardy looks a bit lost. This looks a lot like doomsday.

Mr Chatterbox on Jul 27, 2014


Visually, it looks fantastic! That's all I can go by with this. Looking forward to seeing more.

NathanDewey on Jul 27, 2014


Wow, much more impressed than i expected to be. if the storyline is even barely passable, i would be totally satisfied if the style and attitude of this trailer works in the whole film.

jay on Jul 27, 2014


Oh mah gawd yez!

Nielsen700 on Jul 27, 2014


ROTFL That's an albino Stardust behind Max in the caption photo!

Akirakorn on Jul 27, 2014


Wow this looks badass. Can't wait. Plus I pretty much love anything Hardy is in. Everyone should go watch Locke. He's great in it.

IamSlave on Jul 27, 2014


There's a bunch of reasons for the delay. Nothing extraordinary or to cause concern. They tried to develop a 3D rig specifically for this movie which they scrapped, they then had their cinematographer leave and replaced during production. They had weather and flooding issues on set as well as a ton of vfx work to do. 47 Ronin suffered because the director lacked the experience and the studio loss confidence in him. This is just a series of minor events that snowballed.

Carlo on Jul 27, 2014


Um wrong comment I'm assuming? Edit- just noticed the comment below mine. Seems thats where you meant to post this. All is good. 🙂

IamSlave on Jul 28, 2014


Haha yup, my bad good sir 😛

Carlo on Jul 28, 2014


It didn't really do anything for me. But I've never been into the whole 'post-apocalyptic, everything is dirty/brown/grey and broken/destroyed wasteland' type of aesthetic.

Chris Groves on Jul 27, 2014



grimjob on Jul 27, 2014


I've been looking forward to this film for a long while. The visuals look good and in the Miller style. I love post-apocalyptic themed films so this is right up my alley!

gothmusings on Jul 27, 2014


Whoa, the visuals + the cinematography have me sold!

cg on Jul 27, 2014


YES! YES! YES! YES! This is the dude that started it. Fallout RIPPED off this guy's vision. The original. I just PRAY he cuts down on the CG, the story is tight and good...then boom...let's do this. upgrade from Gibson

Have Hope on Jul 27, 2014


Fallout is NOTHING like Mad Max.

Buzzsaw on Jul 27, 2014


errrrrrrrrrrm.....the whole LOOK of Fallout with the locations and the armor that the characters wear is DIRECTLY influenced from Road Warrior. I'm not arguing with you on this...IT'S A FACT

Have Hope on Jul 27, 2014


Mad Max and Road Warrior had a LARGE impact on the post apocalyptic genre, The visual style Miller created can be seen from every thing Borderland and Fallout.

Brian Sleider on Jul 27, 2014


Inspired is more like it. Were there any desert post apocalyptic films before Mad Max? (Too lazy to research )

Tyrell Antonio on Jul 27, 2014


Wow! I am impressed! Why can't it be out THIS year?!?

Bl00dwerK on Jul 27, 2014


Bone crushing trailer...holy shit...I am so sold.

Xerxexx on Jul 27, 2014


Oh my, this looks amazing.

Reznik on Jul 27, 2014


Wow, really looks killer...I hope the inclusion of Charlize Theron doesn't hold back this film. I'm hoping she pulls out some of her "Monster" skills and not the results of her more recent works.

cuckoozey on Jul 27, 2014


This trailer is fucking fantastic. Blew my brain apart, insane visuals.

Jorrell Mcdaniel on Jul 27, 2014


Very good. I would love to see this recut with Peter Gabriel's rendition of "My Body is a Cage" a la JOHN CARTER's trailer. Who knew George Miller still had it in him?

DAVIDPD on Jul 27, 2014



SkyNet300 on Jul 29, 2014


Haha Bane is back! 🙂

SkyNet300 on Jul 27, 2014


The full hd version was buffering a bit when I was viewing it so I it was pausing a lot, some of the shots looked amazing just as stills. Looks visually a feast.

Carpola on Jul 27, 2014


Fuck that looks good.

Trey Wilson on Jul 27, 2014


Good trailer (except for the awful "My name is Max..." intro). The driving stunts look great... but the generic CG kinda disappoints. I hope the extra time this movie got in production means the story is solid.

cobrazombie on Jul 27, 2014


I like his voice in the trailer, reminded me of the opening for The Road Warrior (which I happened to watch last night). Hardy will be great, but I do get a Punisher: War Zone kind of vibe from this film, though I enjoyed the hell out of that film (even though most people hated it), I hope it doesn't end up being a box-office/critical failure like that film.

thejon93rd on Jul 28, 2014


Yep, I'm excited for this. I still would rather have Gibson as an older grizzled Max, but I love Hardy and I know he'll be a badass sumbitch!

grimjob on Jul 27, 2014


I agree. Maybe he'll make a secret cameo appearance like Depp did in 21 Jump Street.

Marcus on Jul 28, 2014


I'm in. Very.

Qrious on Jul 27, 2014


Holy shitballs that is one trailerload of AWESOME!!

TK on Jul 28, 2014


great trailer, looks like Michael Bay directed it! It's about the story and if you get a connection with the characters! Not convinced at this moment!

Avi on Jul 28, 2014


if you know anything bout the director you would know that statement about story and characters is the least of the worries bout this movie succeeding. Yes the action is crazy but comparing George Miller to Michael Bay in terms of story, plot execution is insulting.

desispeed on Jul 28, 2014


Mad max is about the action and violence and little story! Onley a great actor can raise the level of a movie and I am sure Tom hardy can do it!

Avi on Jul 28, 2014


The original did win win a fair few awards though and it has a 95% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It also influenced a lot of modern day post apocalyptic stories and pretty much revolutionized if not created the genre. George Miller's vision has had a great impact on that genre across all medias. Look at Borderlands, Fallout, even Jericho in tv just have a look at this -

TK on Jul 28, 2014


I like to imagine this as either a Prequel to TDKR or a Sequel to Locke 😛 Looks mad fun!

Ricardo_PT on Jul 28, 2014


Wow. Looks kind of epic. Well done trailer. Not a ton of memorable spoilers. Will see.

avconsumer2 on Jul 28, 2014


Besides being epic, what got me was how beautiful it is. Miller is telling the story before Thunderdome what happened to Max after the caravan went to safety. And obvious there is Hell to pay for Max taking out Humongous. Mr. Hardy is perfect.

Randall Miller on Jul 28, 2014


I agree about the beauty of it, but has the storyline been confirmed yet? I thought it's still a mystery as to whether this is a reboot, a retelling, or an in-between sequel...?

cuckoozey on Jul 28, 2014


Totally in-between before Thunderdome and Auntie. Takes place after the speech and the events that followed. Max's torture is the result from The Humongous defeat.

Randall Miller on Jul 28, 2014


Weird, the Mad Max Wiki page says it takes place *after* Thunderdome. Seems to be a lot of confusion about it..

cuckoozey on Jul 28, 2014


How I do love the epicness atmosphere and style, I just wish trailers now-a-days wouldn't have the dubstep vibe to the music playing behind the awesome action. I know that doesn't make the film terrible by any means necessary but they should have just stuck with the original song throughout the trailer. But I do love this first look nonetheless and am looking forward to seeing more of what Mr. Miller has to offer.

Urban James Kirk on Jul 28, 2014


Hi! Do you know the name of the song?

RandomCharacter on Jul 28, 2014


It is a song that is not released yet to the public for the film by Junkie XL.

Urban James Kirk on Jul 28, 2014


Makes me wanna watch THE ROAD WARRIOR and DOOMSDAY right now!

SkyNet300 on Jul 29, 2014


From what I understand Miller has said that this film is a continuation of Thunderdome and that Hardy playing Mad Max is just a "James Bond" type of actor swap. So basically a sequel reboot. I seriously hope this is a new franchise!

SkyNet300 on Jul 29, 2014


Had absolute no interest in seein this movie, but after this trailer I'm kinda lookin forward to it now. Even though I just basically watched the entire movie in the trailer.

John Doe on Jul 29, 2014


that looks #truth

Liam Knurtsis on Jul 29, 2014

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