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Ian Poulter going low at PGA despite airline forcing kids’ nanny to fly with hoi polloi

Ian Poulter is creating some buzz early into Sunday’s final round of the PGA Championship, but the Ryder Cup hero really made some noise on Twitter this week when he complained that British Airways bumped his nanny out of business class.

Jeff Gross

The golf world’s thoughts and prayers are with Ian Poulter as he bravely soldiers on, even going on an early final-round tear at the PGA Championship, despite the turbulence of having to deal with the woes and anguish of the rich and famous.

Poulter, the multi-millionaire hero of the 2012 European Ryder Cup who tweets about his stable of expensive sports cars, deluxe threads, and other aspects of the cushy 1% life he leads, sparked a Twitter storm earlier this week by whining about an airline bumping his kids’ nanny from business class on their flight back to England.

Surprising perhaps only to the nattily attired Brit, whose career earnings are just shy of $34 million, Poulter’s complaints met with absolutely no sympathy from those on Twitter, who cleverly bashed the golfer for being a tad out of touch with his 1.7 million followers.

Even with the weight of the free world on his narrow shoulders, Poulter bravely kept it together well enough to make it to the weekend and went on a birdie-birdie-birdie barrage on holes three through five of his finale round. At 4-under for the week, Poulter was still way back of his Ryder Cup mate and 54-hole PGA leader Rory McIlroy (13-under) but kudos to him for playing through the emotional pain.

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