
Days of Dawn Being Recoded From The Ground Up

Nathaniel Liles writes: "Days of Dawn, an RPG that received a very warm welcome when its Kickstarter launched, has fallen from its original high graces. On the 4th of July, a day usually meant as a joyous, drunken declaration of… Not being British anymore, backers received a private update. Since we’re magical space gnomes with access to literally all information, we managed to get ahold of this backers-only update, and it’s both good and bad news. The title of the update is “Dumping it.” which was certainly meant to scare backers into actually reading the update."


Days of Dawn, an original RPG with a unique magic system, is now on kickstarter.com

„Days of Dawn“ is the result of a group of RPG-loving games-professionals having joined forces to create nothing less but the game of their dreams: an original roleplaying game coming in HD-glory, pledging to bring back the flair of early roleplaying games – imagine classic titles of the 16-bit era in beautifully handpainted hi-res graphics and an orchestra-quality soundtrack.
Bumblebee, the creators of the game, are currently looking for crowdfunding on kickstarter and already managed to gather $16,000, 32% of the goal, in less than five days with 24 days remaining. They offer some excellent rewards to their backers, including the game's soundtrack, an artbook or the option to become part of the game itself by naming elements of it or even become one of the RPG's characters.
If the goal will be met, the developers plan to release the game for PC, Mac and Linux. Additional stretchgoals are said to offer the availability of Days of Dawn for Android, iOS and WiiU.

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delboy4107d ago

Hand drawn beats tessellation!

3-4-54107d ago

The backgrounds look really good.

The movement animation needs a bit of work.

PygmelionHunter4107d ago

I say you're being too kind, the character models themselves are terrible, they should just go for hand drawn characters too.

Tassilo4106d ago

We're actually going to redo all those animations with motion capturing as soon as we've successfully completed our funding. We will showcase some examples of that workflow and its results in about two weeks.
The current animations are for concept-stage only.

Amanoo4106d ago

The magic system looks very interesting and the artwork is very good. I'm very keen to see the end result of this!

onikrulz4106d ago

Well, if the funding goal is not reached is this project going to be cancelled? Please don't, it looks extremely promising and it's been a long time since an RPG similar to Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy were launched. Really looking forward to this game, and I'm sure you'll have a huge following

Tassilo4106d ago

We're at 33% in 1/4 of the time, so I'm not worried about that.
If we should not reach the funding though, we will probably not be able to continue the development.

onikrulz4106d ago

Yes but after this month, if the funding is not reached will you people still wait longer or will it be an immediate halt to the project

onikrulz4105d ago

Maybe you guys should try IGN and/or Gamespot as well to get more people to know about it


Days of Dawn, new screenshots

Bumblebee released new screenshots of their upcoming Role-Playing Game Days of Dawn.

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