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North Korea Furious Over Kim Jong Un Parody Dance Video

North Korea's leader is reportedly furious over a viral video featuring him fighting and dancing to a Chinese pop song.
A fake Kim Jong Un dances with his late father Kim Jong-il and grandfather Kim il-Sung in a parody videovia YouTube

North Korean officials are learning that nothing can stop the spread of a viral video - especially one that features a fake Kim Jong Un dancing and fighting his way through a series of absurd situations.

The latest parody video starring North Korea's leader features him being kicked to the ground by President Obama after pirouetting through a ballet studio, dancing with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and acting as a member of the grounds crew at a baseball game, all to the tune of a Chinese pop song by the group the Chopstick Brothers.

According to the Chosun Ilbo, a South Korean newspaper, officials in Pyongyang are reportedly furious about the 3 and a half minute video because it “seriously compromises Kim's dignity and authority."

The North Korean government has reportedly requested that China stop the spread of the video, which was allegedly made by a Chinese college student who studied in South Korea. The Chinese government, says the paper, was “was unable to oblige.”