Dublin: 12 °C Friday 7 June, 2024
aisle five

What's the most embarrassing thing your child has done in a supermarket?

Never darken the doors of Tesco again.

KIDS SAY AND do the damndest things.

They often say and do them very loudly, in public, somewhere like the supermarket.

This thread on Quora rounds up some hellish experiences parents have had while out doing the Big Shop.

Feel free to share your own tales. Here are a few to get you started…

Pubic shaming

mommy LucyBrett LucyBrett

Full story here.

‘A wave of poop lava’

poop grace_kat grace_kat

Full story here.


emily Nicola Nicola

Full story here.

Poker face

gaga Steve Davidson Steve Davidson

Full story here.

Come on Mommy!

kiss ricardo ricardo

Clean-up on aisle five

turd francois francois

Full story here.

Can you beat these stories? Let us know in the comments section…

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