New Home Owners Day 2025 is on Thursday, May 1, 2025: rental home owners?

Thursday, May 1, 2025 is New Home Owners Day 2025. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage‎ First-time Homebuyer? Get prequalified BEFORE you shop.

New Home Owners Day

If you’ve lately accepted and bought a home, New Home Owners Day is time for you to celebrate your brand-new home! Here's your day to your investment stresses from the whole process and take pleasure in your achievements.Better still, why don't you schedule your house warming for that occasion? Invite all your buddies and family to savor your brand-new home, and grow it using their laughter as well as their warmth.New House Proprietors Day is another wonderful time to mirror how far you’ve seriously your house-purchasing journey, and just how far you may still go. You can appreciate everyday completed household projects or draft some plans for brand new enhancements. You will probably find that simply re-organizing your present furniture can completely alter the feel of your house!Whichever way you decide to spend New Home Owners Day, inform us about it within the comment section!

rental home owners..?

I'm twenty-one years old, and purchased my first home in August of 2006. It's a HUGE (4600 sq ft) house in CT, and it just so happens to be a four family. Aside from some of the trials and tribulations of actually finding the right home, some things that I have learned/experienced include:

Be Availible

Emergencies happen at any time of day, and usually it's the worst possible time. I don't know if you're planning on having someone on call, or if you'd be able to be availible 24/7 for emergencies (or things that seem like emergencies to tenants but are really not) and other problems. I'm lucky, as we live in the four family, and my husband is a very handy man with some time on his hands. True story: We had one of our upstairs tenants knock on our door at approx. 10 PM to tell us their hot water was too hot. You get the idea.

Make Real Good Friends with a Capable Attorney

Unless you're really lucky, you WILL eventually run into at least one legal problem with a tenant. We've evicted one already, and had a skirmish with another over a rent increase. You need a lawyer who will not only charge a REASONABLE amount, but will actually call you to let you know what's going on with any dispute you might experience.


Research the area, research the people who live around there, research the rents, research the prospective tenants, research EVERYTHING. There's nothing worse than having that apartment sit vacant for three months because you're asking too much for it.

Be Prepared to Pay ALOT in homeowners insurance

Especially with the four family, because the more people in the home, the more liability there is, both for their stupid mistakes, or them getting hurt by yours.

Don't Buy a Boiler-bait lease from and Office Supply Store:

They're not tailored to your state or specific situation. Better to have an attorney write one for you, even if it costs a little more, or to write it yourself if you feel confident enough. The old owners of our home had year leases with two tenants and a two year lease with another that specified nothing and also said that they, as owners, had the right to raise rent at any time with thirty days notice. So why even have a lease?

The above being said, it is still a lucrative venture if you know what you're doing and have the stomach to deal with the difficult stuff. This is just the tip of the iceberg, but if you need any more help, I'd be glad to give what advice I can.

home day care owners!!!! I have a few questions please help ?

home day care owners!!!! I have a few questions please help ?

My wife just openned her home day care. It was fairly easy but we are in MA. Basically she did a search on line for Home Day Care License (and she talked to friends that also own home day cares for information). Once she got the information, she sent in a stack of paperwork, the person came out, inspected our home and made some suggestions and then she was licenced. I know one thing she needed was her CPR certification but I believe the requirements are different in every state.

Good Luck!

how to care home owners make money ?

how to care home owners make money ?

The care home my father is in charges $240 a day. That amount is billed to your insurance, or you pay it yourself until you run out of money or your insurance runs out. Then it is billed to medicare. The care home can attach assets, for instance, if you own/owned a home.

Care homes, properly run, can be very lucrative investments.

Holidays also on this date Thursday, May 1, 2025...