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Nintendo going mobile - Report

Japanese paper says company will make free smartphone demos of Nintendo-exclusive titles

Earlier this month, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata told investors the company was rethinking how to use mobile platforms to grow its gaming business. Some details of such an approach are expected this week, according to a Nikkei newspaper report translated by analyst Dr. Serkan Toto.

The paper reports that Nintendo will be launching a mobile initiative this year that will use smartphones as a way to market its console games. Part of the strategy calls for delivering videos and information about new games to mobile users, but the company is also expanding that to include playable demos of its console titles. The demos will reportedly be free, intended only to hook players and convince them to purchase the full games to play on Nintendo hardware.

More details are expected to come this Thursday during a briefing for investors.

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Brendan Sinclair: Brendan joined in 2012. Based in Toronto, Ontario, he was previously senior news editor at GameSpot.
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