Grease stains are some of the toughest ones to remove! Simply wiping it off or throwing it in the washer won’t work--you need some extra cleaning magic to get them out. Learn how to remove grease stains from fabrics and wood surfaces with dish soap, absorbents, and even an iron!

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Washing with Dish Soap

  1. You’ll need a washing machine, so don’t try this method on carpets, furniture, or dry-clean-only clothing. Check the label if you aren’t sure if a garment can go in the washer.[1]
  2. Don’t scrub the stain--this will only set it in more! Instead, gently dab the stain with a paper towel to remove any excess grease. The less grease you have, the easier it will be to remove.[2]
  3. You can also use oil-control shampoo, mechanic’s soap, or artist’s oil soap. Don’t worry about adding too much--it’s important to get the stain completely covered.[3]
    • If you’re using colored soap, do a spot check on a hidden part of the garment to make sure it won’t discolor it.
  4. Use your fingers, a sponge, or a brush to rub the detergent into the grease stain. You should be able to actually see the grease lifting off, but set-in stains may be more stubborn. If the stain is old, make sure you use a brush and scrub it hard.[4]
    • Be careful scrubbing delicate fabrics like thin cotton.
  5. Rinse out all the detergent with warm water until no more suds appear. Then, rinse the stain area with white vinegar to lighten and remove any lingering grease. Rinse out the vinegar after about 5 minutes--it won't stain your clothes, but it can damage them.[5]
  6. If you still see a grease stain, you may need to repeat the steps again. This is normal for older stains and very dark grease stains, like motor oil. Just repeat it 1 or 2 more times until the stain is gone.[6]
  7. Put your garment in the washing machine on a normal cycle, with the water temperature set to warm instead of hot. Very hot water can set in grease stains, so it’s important to avoid getting the item too hot until you’re sure the stain is gone.[7]
    • You can wash it with the rest of your laundry.
  8. Do not put your garment in the dryer! Once a grease stain is heat-set, it’s almost impossible to entirely remove at home. Line dry the garment and then check to see if the stain is still there.[8]
  9. Sometimes you may have to repeat the process 2-3 times, especially for larger or set-in grease stains. Don’t worry, this is totally normal and it doesn’t mean you did it wrong![9]
    • If your stain is heat-set or if you can’t remove it after repeating the process several times, take it to a dry-cleaner.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Using an Absorbent

  1. This method is excellent for home fabrics, carpets, and clothing of all kinds, but first you’ll need to remove any excess grease. Grab a paper towel and soak up what you can. This is very important for new stains, but if the stain is old and dried, you can skip this step.[10]
  2. An absorbent is a dry material that pulls in any excess liquid. Cornmeal, cornstarch, salt, baking powder, and talcum powder are all great for this. Simply cover the stain entirely with your chosen absorbent. Don’t worry about using too much![11]
    • These absorbents generally won’t stain fabric, but to be sure, spot-test a small, hidden area of the fabric first.
  3. Walk away from the stain and leave it alone for at least 1 hour. If you want to leave it for longer, you can--it won’t ruin the fabric or stop working. Make sure you leave it in a place where pets or kids won’t get into it.[12]
  4. After an hour or so, come back and brush off the absorbent. You can use your hands, a brush, or even a vacuum. It might take a while to get all the absorbent out, especially if you used a finer grain absorbent like talcum powder. If your item is water-safe, you can also wipe it off with a damp rag or sponge.[13]
  5. If you can still see a stain, try again for a longer period of time. If the grease stain is old or very large, it may take up to a day for the grease to be fully absorbed.[14]
  6. If your stain is really stubborn, buy some dry-cleaning solvent and apply it to the stain according to the product directions. You can buy dry-cleaning solvent at larger grocery stores and some dry cleaners.[15]
    • This is best for removing stubborn stains that stay on even after the absorbent is applied. Use it after other methods don't work.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Ironing Out Grease Stains

  1. This method is best for wood and stone surfaces. It’s important not to rub the paper towel into the grease stain--because wood and certain kinds of stone like marble are so porous, you’ll simply make the stain bigger. Instead, just blot the surface gently.[16]
  2. Wood surfaces are especially sensitive to overheating and moisture, so make sure your iron is at the coolest setting with the steam function disabled. You may need to empty out your iron’s water compartment to be sure the steam is off.[17]
  3. Make sure the cloth you use is perfectly clean--any stains already on it will be transferred onto your surface. You should also make sure you aren’t using anything important, because the grease stain will also transfer. An old t-shirt or a fresh mechanic’s rag are both good choices.[18]
    • White or light-colored cloth is best. Any moisture in the grease stain may cause fabric dye to bleed onto your surface.
  4. Carefully run the iron over the cloth, as if you were ironing your laundry. Make sure the iron has covered every part of the stain before you lift it up![19]
  5. Remove the cloth and check your grease stain--it should have been completely absorbed into the fabric. If not, repeat the process again.[20]
    • If you have to repeat, make sure you fold the cloth in half or turn it over so that a fresh, clean surface is over the stain. Otherwise, you might just re-set the grease into your surface.

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    I washed a shirt with chicken grease on it, but the stain is still there. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Some stores sell color-safe whiteners. Try applying some to the grease stain, then wash it.
  • Question
    How can I get rid of a grease stain on my velour curtains?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Try an absorbent listed in Method 2. If that doesn't work, you can try taking it to a dry cleaner--velour isn't meant to be washed like most fabrics.
  • Question
    How do you clean it off if its already been there for a few weeks?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Try washing it with dish soap or taking it to a dry cleaner if it absolutely won't come off. Old stains are harder to remove, so don't give up after the first try!
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  • Try using a commercial spot cleaner as a backup for really tough stains.
  • You may not be able to tell if a grease stain is still there if the item is wet. Always wait for it to air-dry before checking the stain.



Things You'll Need

  • Dish soap
  • White vinegar
  • Water
  • Washing machine
  • Absorbent, such as cornstarch or powder
  • Brush or scrubber
  • Iron
  • Clean cloth

Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about removing grease stains, check out our in-depth interview with Claudia & Angelo Zimmermann.

About this article

Claudia & Angelo Zimmermann
Co-authored by:
House Cleaning Professionals
This article was co-authored by Claudia & Angelo Zimmermann. Claudia and Angelo Zimmermann are the founders of Everneat, an Eco-Friendly Cleaning Service based in New York City and in Connecticut. They are also the founders of Clean Code, a DIY 100% natural cleaning product line. This article has been viewed 1,601,054 times.
2 votes - 50%
Co-authors: 34
Updated: March 18, 2023
Views: 1,601,054
Article SummaryX

To remove grease stains, start by covering the stains with liquid dish soap. Then, use a sponge or your finger to scrub the soap into the stains. If the stains are already set-in, you may need to scrub harder to get them out. Next, rinse off the soap with warm water and white vinegar and repeat the process if the stains remain. Once most of the stains are out, machine wash the item on a normal setting and hang it up to air dry. To learn how to iron out grease stains, scroll down!

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  • Mark Stowitts

    Mark Stowitts

    Jun 30, 2018

    "Have a white UV shirt. Took it out of the washer and saw the grease stain. Used dish soap and vinegar rinse -..." more
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