Smarties. We all love these delicious, colorful treats. And now they have another purpose apart from just being fun to eat by the handful. You can also use them to produce smoke! Sounds fun, doesn't it? The trick is to get the candy to smoke without starting a fire. All you need is a roll of smarties and maybe some tape.

Please note: For those in Canada, the UK, and Australia this isn't about Smarties, the chocolate candy! Rockets or sweet tarts work instead.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

In the Wrapper

  1. Just jiggle it around a bit on one side (the part where it is twisted). Don't unwrap the end! The Smarties just need a bit of wiggle room to move around. The wrapping should remain mostly intact.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Produce Smoke With a Smartie
    You can do this with your hands in a back and forth motion or with a hammer, mortar and pestle, your shoe, or anything heavy. Watch for a powdery substance to form that you can see clearly. Do this to all the candies in the package.
    • Once the smarties have produced a fair amount of dust, you're ready. Grind it for one or two minutes, experiment, then retry with the remaining chunks of Smarties.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Produce Smoke With a Smartie
    Flatten it out and place your mouth on this end. Suck in with your breath and let the powder get on the top of your throat. You don't want the dust in the bottom of your lungs -- just in your mouth. Smartie dust is not the same as oxygen.[1]
    • You want to flatten out the end so the Smarties that are still in chunks stay in their packaging and don't get lodged in your throat. It's smoking with Smarties that's the goal, not choking on Smarties.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Produce Smoke With a Smartie
    You should see a bit of a fog produced. This looks just like smoke -- the Smarties lose their color when ground. Unfortunately, because pink and blue smoke would be awesome. Alas, you'll have to settle for normal wisps of white smoke.[2]
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:


  1. Any surface that you can either dispose of or easily clean up is ideal. Whatever it is, make sure it's clean.
    • Don't throw away the wrapper! You'll need that later.
  2. Remember, this stuff is going into you, so use something that's sanitary. Place a plastic baggie over the Smarties (or place the candies into the bag) and use your shoe, a hammer, or whatever utensil you have at your disposal.
    • Get rid of the chunks. Those will be hazardous and might make you cough (or choke).
  3. This is sort of like a rolling paper. It will give structure to your wrapper and let the dust move around freely.
    • Though Scotch tape is okay, masking tape is better. Stay away from duct.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Produce Smoke With a Smartie
    Roll it back up to its original form (the tape allows it to keep its tube-like shape). Twist off one end to keep the dust from oozing out.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Produce Smoke With a Smartie
    Be careful not to inhale deeply into your lungs - just hold the dust in your mouth. Start with light, easy inhalations. Breathe in and try to keep the air in your mouth -- deep, diaphragmatic breaths won't get you a better product. You'll just get Smartie dust in your lungs. Can't put that on your college resume.[3]

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Can it hurt or harm me?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes. If you inhale the dust and it goes into your lungs it could cause some irritation.
  • Question
    What kind of infection could I get from smoking smarties and will the infection go away?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You could possibly get bronchitis or some other kind of lung infection. It is generally not safe or advisable to inhale powder.
  • Question
    How can I exhale a lot of smoke out so that it would look like I'm smoking weed?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can crush up a lot of smarties, put them in a straw and exhale it out. Be careful not to inhale accidentally as this could be bad for your lungs.
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  • On your first time, you will probably start coughing as your throat is not supposed to inhale the Smarties you hold in your mouth.
  • Also exhale the smoke out slowly it gives a better effect.
  • Instead of blowing, you can try to let the smoke roll out your mouth as this makes it look better and more real.
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Things You'll Need

Method 1: In the Wrapper

  • Smarties
  • Heavy object

Method 2: Unwrapped

  • Smarties
  • A piece of paper
  • Plastic baggie
  • Tape
  • Heavy object

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Updated: October 11, 2022
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