Otters Who Look Like Benedict Cumberbatch: A Visual Examination.

All otters are from The Daily Otter, for all your ottery Tumblr needs!

This morning, I posted Otters Who Look Like Benedict Cumberbatch. In just over twelve hours, it’s received more than 15,000 notes (thank you all!), has garnered me more than 300 new followers (hello folks!), and has become a UK trending topic on...

This morning, I posted Otters Who Look Like Benedict Cumberbatch. In just over twelve hours, it’s received more than 15,000 notes (thank you all!), has garnered me more than 300 new followers (hello folks!), and has become a UK trending topic on Twitter. I’m otterly Cumberbatched by the whole thing.

For those of you wondering if anyone had done fan art of Sherlock as an otter, try my Sherlotter scribbles.

And in the interests of fair and balanced reporting, do check out Hedgehogs Who Look Like Martin Freeman.