
Aquaculture disinfectant listing scheme: apply or view

Check for listed disinfectants for aquaculture; or apply to have your product listed.

Applies to England and Wales

Listed disinfectants

The following disinfectants have been tested under the listing scheme conditions to demonstrate their effectiveness against aquatic diseases.

The table displays listed disinfectant products and their effective dilutions as demonstrated under the mandatory test conditions of 4°C ± 1°C test temperature, with a 30 minute ± 30 second contact time. Where applied for, additional effective dilutions under optional test data (varying contact time and test temperature) is displayed in the comments column.

Product name Product physical form Company name Company address and contact details Bacterial diseases of aquaculture relevance* (Test Standard EN1656 Modified) Viral diseases of aquaculture relevance* (Test Standard EN14675 Modified) Other*
Aqua Des Liquid Aquatiq UK Ltd 8 Aurora House, UHI Inverness Campus, Inverness, IV2 5NA; 1 to 200 1 to 200 N/A
Aqua Omnicide Liquid Coventry Chemicals Ltd Woodhams Road, Siskin Drive, Coventry CV5 9LH; 1 to 99 1 to 99 N/A
BioVX Aqua Powder Biolink Ltd Halifax Way, Pocklington, York YO42 1NR; 1 to 100 1 to 100 N/A
Centrego Toucan HOCL 500 Liquid Centrego Ltd Unit N4, Marshall Way, Commerce Park, Frome, Somerset BA11 2FB, United Kingdom Undiluted.  (Product tested at 80% concentration) Undiluted. (Product tested at 80% concentration) N/A
Neogen Viroxide Aqua Powder Quat-Chem Limited 1-4 Sandfield Industrial Park, Dodgson Street, Rochdale, OL16 5SJ 1 to 150 1 to 199 N/A
Steri-7 Xtra High Level Surface Disinfectant Cleaner and Steri-7 Xtra NetDip Liquid Steri-7 Worldwide Ltd 34 Baron Grove, Mitcham, Surrey, CR4 4EH; 1 to 20 N/A N/A
VirkonTM Aquatic Solid / Powder Antec International Ltd Windham Road, Sudbury, CO10 2XD 1 to 100 1 to 200 N/A

Key: * Effective dilution for liquids expressed as 1 part product to x parts water, or for solids expressed as 1 gram product to x mls water. † The disinfectant does not need to be diluted.

Apply to have your product listed

This is a voluntary scheme and is open to any disinfectant manufacturer wishing to market their product in the UK.

It lists disinfectants that have been independently validated as effective against viral and bacterial diseases affecting freshwater fish.

To apply to get your disinfectant listed you must:

Get your disinfectant tested

All products submitted for listing must meet the requirements of the EU Biocides Regulation (528/2012) and national biocides legislation.

Before applying you must ensure your product has passed the modified test standards below (depending on your application):

  • bacterial diseases - using the specified modification of EN Standard 1656:2019
  • viral diseases - using the specified modification of EN Standard 14675:2015

You must:

  • select a laboratory that works to a recognised international laboratory quality system
  • have quality assurance checks done by an independent auditor

Application fees

You can apply to have your disinfectant listed as effective for 1 disease type (bacterial or viral diseases) or for both.

You must pay for each disinfectant product you wish to list and choose either:

  • a single scheme application (viral or bacterial efficacy) – £2,200 (excluding VAT)
  • a combined application (viral and bacterial efficacy) – £2,720 (excluding VAT)

Please note that fees are non-refundable for unsuccessful applications.

Approval process

The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) manages the process.

  1. Cefas will acknowledge receipt of the application within 5 working days.
  2. Upon payment of fees, Cefas will submit the application for a technical assessment.
  3. Cefas will receive the results of the technical review within 20 working days.
  4. Cefas will inform you of the outcome of your disinfectant listing application within 5 working days as a pass or fail. If successful you must sign and return the terms and conditions of the listing scheme. If unsuccessful Cefas will inform you of the reasons why and the next steps.
  5. Cefas will update the listing site to include your product with 7 working days of a successful application.

Renewals and changes to your product

Each listing is valid for 5 years. You must then reapply to continue to be listed. However, retesting is not always necessary if your disinfectant’s composition hasn’t changed.

If you change your product’s composition you should notify Cefas immediately. Product changes require a retest and you must then reapply for listing.

If you wish to add distributors for your listed products you need to apply for an amendment using the same application form (omit section 3 and the appendices). There is no charge to do this.

The disinfectant listed and sold must be identical to the original sample tested and reviewed.

Contact us

Cefas Disinfectant Listing Scheme Team

01305 206739

Updates to this page

Published 20 June 2014
Last updated 9 January 2025
  1. new rate card and deleted expired licences

  2. new contact email and update to one of the disinfection products

  3. New disinfectant is listed

  4. A new rate card and application form, and fees have been added

  5. Added a new approved product on 16 September, the Centrego Toucan HOCL 500.

  6. Added URL for Mirius Healthcare

  7. Added Virkon Aquatic to the list

  8. Added new V18 product

  9. Added Vanoquat to the list.

  10. Removed Vanoquat New Formulation from list

  11. Added two new entries to the list: GPC8 and Mira 8

  12. New entry added to table: Aqua Omnicide

  13. Updated prices

  14. Updated BioVx viral diseases column

  15. Updated name for Aquatic UK Ltd

  16. Updated the disinfectant listing scheme application form

  17. Added BioVX Aqua

  18. Added BioVX Aqua

  19. Added Steri-7 products to list

  20. Change application contact details

  21. First published.

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