Everyone loves warm, frothy foam on top of their coffee drink. Whether you like to warm up on a cold day with a macchiato or a mocha, you can use a milk frother to achieve barista-level foam. By choosing, preparing, frothing, and serving your milk, you can recreate your favorite fancy coffee beverages at home.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Choosing and Preparing the Milk

  1. Check the expiration date of milk when you buy it at the store. Choose milk that is farther from its expiration date. Older milk has more glycerol, a natural compound that makes it harder for frothed milk to hold its bubbles.
  2. Swap in skim for higher-fat milks as you learn how to froth milk. The chemical structure of skim milk is better at holding foam at room temperature.[1]
    • As a shortcut, you can use whatever type of milk you prefer for your drink and then spoon skim foam on top.
  3. Fill your carafe or another container (if your frother is electric rather than manual) so the milk only fills 1/3 of the volume. This will leave plenty of room for your milk to grow in size when you froth it.
  4. Place the carafe in the refrigerator to make the milk cold. This is especially important if you buy UHT milk, which is normally unrefrigerated. Dip a spoon into the milk after 30 minutes to test the temperature on your wrist. Remove the milk from the fridge when it is cold to the touch.
    • You can froth steamed milk, but it will make less froth. It’s best to froth the milk then heat it if you’d like your foam to be hot.
    • There is not a particular temperature your milk needs to be chilled to.
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Frothing the Milk Manually

  1. Check the edge of the carafe to make sure the top has fit into place and that there is no gap between the lid and the carafe. Placing the top on improperly can cause a big mess when you froth!
  2. Hold the carafe firmly with your nondominant hand as you pump the plunger into the milk with your dominant hand. It may require more strength to pump the milk as the foam builds, which is normal.
  3. Lift the top off the carafe, and look at the milk. Some people prefer their milk only slightly foamy, while others prefer lots of foam. If your milk hasn’t reached your desired consistency, plunge it for up to 30 seconds more.
    • Don’t plunge your milk for longer than 1 minute total by hand. Over frothing your milk can cause the air bubbles you’ve developed to break down.
  4. Tap the whisk at the bottom of the plunger on the edge of the carafe. This will shake any excess froth into the container.
  5. Tap the bottom of the carafe on the counter once to remove excessively large air bubbles. Your foam will settle a little bit, which is okay. Your milk is now ready to heat and serve.
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Using an Electric Frother

  1. Check that the head of the wand is fully submerged in the milk, and turn the wand to on.[2]
    • If the wand has multiple speeds, turn it on high.
  2. Keep the head of the wand near the bottom of the carafe as you begin whipping the foam. You will see bubbles forming.[3]
  3. Keep the head of the wand beneath the surface of the milk at all times to avoid creating a mess. The milk will become foamier during this last 30 seconds. Switch the wand to off.[4]
  4. The foam created by an electric wand is finer, so avoid swirling or tapping your carafe. Your milk is now ready to heat and serve.
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Heating and Serving the Foam

  1. If your carafe is made of metal, gently pour your milk into a microwave-safe container. If your carafe is microwave safe, you can pop it directly in the microwave. Check the milk every 30 seconds until you reach your desired temperature.
    • Overheating your milk can cause it to scald, affecting the flavor. Avoid heating your milk to the point of boiling.
  2. Wear an oven mitt or use a tea towel to remove your hot container from the microwave. Handle the milk as if it is very hot—it probably is!—to prevent accidental burns.
  3. If you’d like some hot milk in your coffee in addition to just the foam, pour your frothed milk slowly into your cup so the foam doesn’t collapse.
    • Treating your frothed milk gently will prevent it from losing air.

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    Can I use a frother that is attached to a coffee maker?
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    Yes, you can.
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Things You'll Need

  • Milk frother
  • Skim milk
  • Carafe
  • Refrigerator
  • Microwave
  • Spoon
  • Oven mitt


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Co-authors: 11
Updated: January 21, 2022
Views: 78,563
Article SummaryX

To use a manual milk frother, start by filling the frother a third of the way with milk. Then, place the lid on the frother, and plunge the handle up and down for 30 seconds. When you're finished, take the lid off the frother, and check the consistency of the foam. If it's not frothy enough, place the lid back on and plunge the milk for 30 more seconds. Finally, once you're satisfied with the foam, tap the bottom of the frother on a flat surface to remove any large air bubbles. To learn how to use an electric milk frother, scroll down!

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