
Super Simple Brain Break Tip

Super Simple Brain Break Tip

Super Simple Brain Break Tip

While many of us know that increased physical activity levels are associated with higher academic scores, it can be hard to implement more exercise time during the school day.

Here is a simple tip –  suggest to the teachers to squeeze in a super quick movement break every hour on the hour no matter what they are doing.

Just take two minutes to drop the pencils, stand up and move around.  It can be as simple as doing the same activity every hour ie. stretch and marching in place or as varied as changing the activity every hour or every day.  You could even provide suggestions to perform the movement breaks sitting down such as these free seated stretch breaks.  With kids in school for about 6 hours that would total up to an additional 12 minutes towards the 60 minutes of physical activity per day that is recommended.  Not to mention shake those wiggles out and get kids ready to work.  I know this can not work in every classroom but for some, it might be another idea to add into the school day.  When you make it part of the regular routine it will become more like a habit and students will understand the expectations of behavior following the quick break.  If you do not like the movement every hour suggestion, read how to establish a brain break routine for more ideas.

Need ideas?  Check out 10 Simple Activities to Encourage Physical Activity,    Mini Movement Breaks (print this out to give to teachers to change the activities up – super easy and the breaks require no equipment), go on a quick Imagination Action Journey, perform activities from Roll Some Fun (print and throw the dice to determine what activities to perform) or get an entire collection of brain breaks for all year long!

Super Simple Brain Break Tip