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Untangling the dinosaur family tree


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Figure 1: Results of the reanalysis of a revised dataset on early dinosaur relationships.


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M.C.L., M.D.E., O.W.M.R., M.J.B., B.W.M., F.E.N. and S.L.B. designed the project. M.C.L., M.D.E., O.W.M.R., M.J.B., F.K., B.W.M., F.E.N. and D.P. rescored the data matrix. M.D.E. and D.P. conducted the phylogenetic analyses. M.J.B., B.W.M. and D.P. conducted the biogeographic analyses. All authors discussed the data, wrote and approved the final manuscript (including the Supplementary Information).

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Correspondence to Max C. Langer.

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Langer, M., Ezcurra, M., Rauhut, O. et al. Untangling the dinosaur family tree. Nature 551, E1–E3 (2017).

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