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The Malawian president, Peter Mutharika, has been visiting parts of the country affected by the vampire scare.
The Malawian president, Peter Mutharika, has been visiting parts of the country affected by the vampire scare. Photograph: Jewel Samad/AFP/Getty Images
The Malawian president, Peter Mutharika, has been visiting parts of the country affected by the vampire scare. Photograph: Jewel Samad/AFP/Getty Images

Malawi mobs kill two more people accused of being vampires

This article is more than 7 years old

Wave of attacks which had already killed six people spreads to country’s second city, Blantyre, where epileptic man is ‘torched’

A wave of attacks in Malawi against people accused of vampirism has spread to its second-biggest city of Blantyre, where vigilante mobs killed two people, police said on Thursday.

The lynch mob attacks began in mid-September in a country that is one of the world’s poorest and where belief in witchcraft is widespread.

Six people have already died in the attacks.

In Blantyre on Thursday, mobs “torched a 22-year-old epileptic man in Chileka, and another man was stoned to death … after being suspected of being a bloodsucker”, said Ramsy Mushani, a national police spokesman.

A Reuters reporter witnessed the first incident at a police checkpoint on a road leading to the city’s airport. A family member confirmed the man was epileptic and that he was killed while walking home from a nearby hospital.

The Malawian president, Peter Mutharika, has been visiting parts of the country affected by the vampire scare, trying to prevent the deaths of innocent people.

The UN and US embassy have blacklisted several districts in Malawi as dangerous zones for staffers and nationals. Earlier this month the UN pulled staff out of two districts in southern Malawi.

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