'Agents of SHIELD' blooper reel reveals that an awful lot of kissing happens on set

Also dancing.
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'Agents of SHIELD' blooper reel reveals that an awful lot of kissing happens on set
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The Agents of SHIELD panel at New York Comic Con was pretty rowdy -- and that was before Marvel debuted the first 20 minutes of the Season 5 premiere, which won't hit our screens until Dec. 1.

In an attempt to extract some Season 5 footage from Marvel TV head Jeph Loeb, star Iain De Caestecker walked up to his boss and planted a big kiss on his lips, much to the hysteria of his castmates and the crowd. (Must've been some kiss.)

But making out became an inadvertent theme of the panel, especially when Loeb dropped the Season 4 blooper reel -- which features a lot of energetic dance moves, near-kisses, and door malfunctions.

The highlight of the panel was undoubtedly the Season 5 preview, which explained (sort of) how Agent Coulson ended up in space at the end of the Season 4 finale.

The footage opens with a bald man preparing for his day, swimming in a fancy outdoor pool and shedding his human skin before he steps into the shower. He's part of the official-looking team who froze our SHIELD heroes in the diner at the end of last season, and as they're wheeled out, one agent notes that someone has been left behind, implying that one of our favorites will be separated from the team in the early part of the season. (Hopefully not for long!) Our gang is taken to a room containing a white monolith, which dissolves into liquid and rushes towards them.

We then jump to Coulson waking up in space, where he encounters a guy called Virgil who seems very excited to meet him -- like, fanboy-level excited. Things escalate quickly as the rest of the team wakes up in various locations around what appears to be a space station, trying to find their way back together despite the fact that there's a scary alien beast roaming the corridors and killing everyone it comes across.

Virgil lasts just long enough to tell Coulson et al. that they've been brought there for a purpose -- not to save the inhabitants of the space station, but to save humanity itself. While most of the team reunites, May is in a separate part of the station and sees a guy who looks similar to Star Lord -- down to the metal mask and red leather jacket -- examining one of the station's dead bodies. Not-Star-Lord cuts a black disc from the body's arm, but then spots May spying on him and slams her up against the wall, telling her he's been looking for her. And naturally, that's where the clip ends.

Dun dun dun!

Star Clark Gregg also got a chance to talk about his experience directing an episode of SHIELD for the first time, which Gregg said was "really generous" of his bosses. Gregg admitted that the most challenging aspect of stepping behind the camera on the show was working with his costars in a different capacity.

"It’s really a trust exercise because I have to direct them and they tease me a lot," he quipped. "It was a great experience to collaborate with them in a different way. Some people do some unbelievable fights in it. I can’t wait for you guys to see it, it’ll be episode 6."

His costar, Chloe Bennet, had nothing but praise for Gregg's directing prowess. "It was awesome. He knows these characters better than pretty much any other director we could have," she pointed out. "He pulled performances out of people that no one else could’ve, and he brought so much comedy that I wasn’t expecting."

Marvel's Agents of SHIELD Season 5 returns with a two-hour season premiere on Friday, Dec. 1 at 8 p.m. on ABC.

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