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AppleCare+ iPhone 8 back screen glass replacement $99, not screen repair cost of $29

Users with AppleCare+ for the iPhone are accustomed to a relatively new $29 screen replacement from Apple — but that only applies to the screen in the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus, and not the back glass.

Disassemblies of the iPhone 8 family have shown a relatively simple disassembly process for a screen replacement. However, the back glass is retained with a significant quantity of glue and is essentially fused into the case assembly itself.

AppleInsider spoke with an assortment of Apple employees, with all of them confirming that a broken back-glass did not qualify for a $29 screen replacement. Instead, the back glass is generally subject to the $99 "other damage" fee, plus tax.

After two incidents of accidental damage a higher replacement cost is charged — $349 for the iPhone 8, and $399 for the iPhone 8 Plus. Additionally, we were told that in some incidents that the "out of warranty" replacement cost would apply in cases of "mass destruction" of the rear case.

AppleCare+ extends Apple's limited warranty on the iPhone for an extra year, and adds up to two incidents of accidental damage coverage for a nominal fee. Coverage for the iPhone 8 costs $129, with $149 for the iPhone 8 Plus. An AppleCare+ plan must be purchased alongside a device, or within 60 days.

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tshapi 14 Years · 375 comments

We think this is bad, consider the screen replacement cost for the iPhone x ... 

ihatescreennames 20 Years · 1998 comments

The back glass on iPhone 4/4S was $29 to replace. However, it was a simple job that took just a couple of minutes and was just the back, nothing else.

I'm curious to hear what the out of warranty cost to replace a display is on 8/8+/X.  I've owned iPhones since 2008 and have never broken the display and I don't use a case.  I'm just careful. So, to me, the only reason it would make sense to get AppleCare+ was for the liquid damage, but now that iPhones are water resistant it seems like an even tougher sell.

The last couple of years I've felt it isn't particularly worth it to purchase AC+ when you consider it costs $129 in the first place and then, formerly, it was $79 (maybe $99?) to replace the display (before the price drop to $29) when a display replacement without AC+ was $129.  AppleCare+ extends the 1 year warranty to 2 and gives 2 incidents of accidental damage covered by a deductible. Before the price drop to $29 it made much less sense to pay $129 for AC+ if you were worried about display damage. On a 6/6s/7 without AC+ it would cost $260 for 2 display replacements.  With AC+ it would be $129 initially and then $79 and another $79 for 2 display replacements for a total of $287.  How did that make sense at all?

Full disclosure: I'm on the iUP which includes AppleCare+ now, so I get it anyway.  Before iUP I only got AppleCare+ on my iPhone 6, never before that.  But I've gotten on my iPad Pros because 1) it costs less to purchase than it does for iPhones and 2) WUR is $59, that decision seems elementary.

ihatescreennames 20 Years · 1998 comments

Use. A. Case.

Nah.  Cases, to me, tend to be too bulky and sort of ugly.  I like the look and feel of an iPhone.  I still have and regularly use my iPhone 4, purchased on June 24, 2010 and I've never broken the screen or the back glass.  I'm simply careful with my phones.  Not crazy careful, I've dropped all of them at one point or another, but I've never had an issue other than some light scratches.

I also notice that people with cases seem to be less careful and more likely to drop their phone.  And guess what, I've also seen many many iPhones with broken screens that were in a case.  Granted, breaking the back glass while using a case is less likely than the display.  Just stop dropping iPhones.