Educator Support for Teaching about Climate and Energy

Background Information and Teaching Guidance

Strengthen your understanding of teaching climate and energy topics across grade levels, in and out of science classrooms.

Teaching Climate Science

Learn more about the big ideas of climate and how to teach them. Based on the 2009 climate science principles. (Español abajo)
Teaching Energy

Learn more about the big ideas of energy and how to teach about it.
(Español abajo)
Teaching Elementary Climate and Energy

Explore teaching resources at the elementary grade level.(Español abajo)
Teaching Climate Across the Curriculum

Explore strategies for teaching climate change in non-science subjects.
Curriculum Development

Design your own climate and energy units using CLEAN resources.

Teaching Resources and Strategies

Discover techniques and strategies that support teaching about climate change in your classroom.


Find NGSS-tagged teaching materials in the CLEAN collection.
Climate Mental Health

Support students navigating complex climate-related emotions.
National Climate Assessment (NCA)

Make climate local - bring key NCA findings into your classroom.
Managing Controversy

Navigate controversy in the classroom when teaching climate change.
(Español abajo)

Professional Learning

Stay in touch and keep up with new materials and trainings around teaching climate topics.

Educator Newsflash

Sign up for our newsletter featuring CLEAN resource highlights.

Join upcoming professional development webinars.
CLEAN Ambassador Program

Become a CLEAN ambassador and receive support to attend teacher conferences.
Virtual Teaching

Explore strategies and materials for virtual teaching about climate.

Páginas CLEAN en Español

Enseñando Sobre El Clima
Aprenda más sobre las grandes ideas del cambio climático y cómo enseñarlas.
Enseñando Sobre La Energía
Aprenda más sobre las grandes ideas de la energía y el clima y cómo enseñar sobre ello.
Enseñanza Primaria Sobre El Clima y La Energía
Explora recursos didácticos para el nivel de primaria.
Controversias en el Salón de Clases
Navegue la controversia en el aula al enseñar sobre el cambio climático.

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