Studio now hiring to help create the PS VR exclusive.
Hi folks! It seems like yesterday that we released Tiny Trax on PS VR, and yet here we are announcing our brand new PSVR game: Mini-Mech Mayhem! It’s fun, really daft, and it’s going to be amazing…
Emergency cute
We’re not going to give many details right now, only that it’s a ROBOT BATTLE GAME in VR, where you’re the big buddy, and your Mini-Mech partner is the little buddy!
All together now: “Awwwwwww!”
Buddy cop relationship
Your Mini-Mech is full of enthusiasm, passion, and incredible power, but sometimes, amongst all the mayhem, loses sight of the big picture.
So, you’re there to guide your Mini-Mech buddy to success! Any mistakes made along the way can be chalked up as a learning experience, and over time you’ll trust each other, achieving many wonderful and utterly hilarious victories together!
Nurturing passion
Here’s the thing: we see Mini-Mech Mayhem as a metaphor for our studio. FuturLab is PlayStation’s little buddy, and we in turn play the role of big buddy to our staff.
Just as PlayStation cares about fostering our creativity, by helping us explore ideas, we foster the creativity in our team. We shield their passionate enthusiasm from the turbulent mayhem of the games industry, so they can create something they care about, at a pace of challenge that is manageable.
We can’t wait to share more info about Mini-Mech Mayhem. Until then, please let your friends know we’re hiring!
Mini-Mech Mayhem will be released in 2018, exclusively for PlayStation VR.
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