Most memes are simple and easy to understand. Some other memes demand a bit more.
The newest meme just wants you to rhyme stuff.
Elf on the Shelf started as a Christmas tradition where people placed an elf on a shelf and promote paranoia in their kids by saying the doll could see everything they did. I’m assuming everyone was aware of how bland of an idea this was, and it probably created an enormous amount of anxiety in children.
As is tradition on the internet, you can pretty much assume people transformed that simple idea into a meme.
You've heard of Elf on the Shelf, now get ready for...
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Shrek on a Deck.
Get it?
You basically rhyme the two last words and hilarity ensues. Can you feel the hilarity?
Would you rather have a Cat on a Mat?
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Or Morty on a 40?
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Or this?
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Or a bunch of other nonsense?
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Every good meme needs a gimmick and this latest one just needs a bit of ridiculous rhymes.
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