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Ghost Recon: Wildlands' Free PvP Mode Is Coming Very Soon

Not much longer to wait.


Ghost War, the PvP mode for Ghost Recon: Wildlands, finally has a release date. It's launching on October 10, Ubisoft announced today. The 4v4 mode comes to the shooter through a free update on all platforms. Ubisoft previously tested Ghost War in a beta.

Matches play out as best-of-three, with 10-minute rounds. There are eight maps and 12 classes at launch, and Ubisoft has said it will have "regular updates and new content" after launch. This will include more classes, maps, and modes.

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At launch, Ghost War takes the form of a deathmatch-style experience with revives. There is no word yet on what other modes might come later, but objective-style gametypes are potentially one possibility. A new trailer for Ghost War released today shows the final three classes to be revealed: Assassin, Diversionist, and Sentintel. Check out the video above to get up to speed.

A free PvP mode for Wildlands was announced way back in March as part of Ubisoft's post-launch plans for the game, which also included other free updates and paid DLC. Those expansions have already been released.

If you haven't tried it for yourself, a free trial of Wildlands will allow you to check out five hours of the game on PS4 or Xbox One. Earlier this year, it was revealed that Wildlands was the best-selling game during the first half of 2017.

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