Just 28 Impossibly Cute Pictures Of Dogs Hanging Out With Cows

    Moo and/or arf arf!

    1. "Yeah, that's the spot."

    2. "I'm just gonna hit snooze one more time."

    3. "Back up, I just met you."

    4. "Hello, smol friend."

    5. "If you're not the one, then why does my snout fit yours this way?"

    6. "No offense, but you guys smell like a barnyard."

    7. "Fight me!" "Stop, that tickles."

    8. "Stand incredibly still and they won't see us."

    9. "Lean on me, when you're not stroOOng!"

    10. "Don't you dare tag me in this."

    11. "Shh, maybe they won't find us here."

    12. "Let me kiss." "No, that me eye."

    13. "Should we boop? Let's boop."

    14. "I like your outfit." "Thanks, you too."

    15. "Can you come out and play?" "No, my mom says I have to stay inside."

    16. "I'm outta here!"

    17. "You're not from around here, are you?"

    18. "See, I'm taller than you."

    19. "Yes, these are my cousins."

    20. "Enchanté, mademoiselle."

    21. "You shall not pass!"

    22. "I called shotgun bro!"

    23. "You've got something on your face. Here, let me help."

    24. "I've gathered you all here to talk about a very important issue..."

    25. "Do...do I have to hang out with them?"

    26. "I told you, I've never lost a staring contest!"

    27. "Someone help. We're not being cute, we're stuck like this."

    28. "What is that?" "I think it's a floof."