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How Superficiality Destroys The Customer Service Experience (And How To Fight Back)

Updated Sep 13, 2017, 11:15pm EDT
This article is more than 6 years old.

Superficiality is the enemy of great customer service and fantastic customer experiences.

And I fear that it’s making inroads.

What I’m most worried about is a creeping kind of self-fulfilling prophecy, where the more we fret about human jobs being replaced by bots and AI and tableside tablet ordering systems (or, if you’re a Dr. Evil type, the more you gleefully rub your hands together about this possibility), the more we reduce/put a ceiling on the quality and intricacy of the current, human customer service performance that our companies, and the humans employed by our companies, deliver.

Even if this doesn’t quite qualify (yet) as a trend, I have seen some bona fide, ugly examples of a “surrender to superficiality,” where the easy proximity of iPhones and such leads employees to do the minimum when called on to serve a customer. (Perhaps the ultimate bad example being the harried concierge who told me, in response to my asking about local dining options, that “Google is more up to date than my list of restaurants–and you can use Google just as easily as I can.”

“Going superficial” is, of course, the opposite of the counsel I provide to my consulting and training client companies, the ones that are grappling with new technological developments and how they relate to customer service delivery and the overall customer experience.

My advice, rather, is to approach customer service delivery from two different angles. On the one hand, you need to provide the best of technologically-delivered customer service wherever it is most appropriate and helpful (often this means giving customers the ability to self-serve). On the other hand, when the service in question is best delivered by an actual human being–a customer service professional­–strive to have that human employee deliver the service in as warm-blooded, emotionally on-point, expert, and non-superficial as possible.

(This two-headed approach, by the way, is based on what I call my “Jetsons’Approach to Customer Service,” which you can read about in my latest book, The Heart of Hospitality: Great Hotel and Restaurant Leaders Share Their Secrets.)


Here’s a case in point, an example of how great customer service employees with the support of their company, can provide the kind of non-superficial customer service performance that builds memorable experiences and brand relationships with customers. It takes place at The Empress Hotel, a landmark of the Victoria, BC, waterfront for nearly 110 years. A visit to a historic hotel like this is an occasion for any traveler (particularly with the benefits of a recent, pitch-perfect renovation by its new owner, Fairmont), but what brings such a stay to life is service that goes beyond the superficial.  And to get there requires a company to support its employees with a level of training, experimentation, refinement, and, ultimately, execution that can raise an individual employee performance above the superficial, the minimal, the just-getting-by level.

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Live Video–Micah Solomon Speaks on Customer Service

For example, consider the service at the Fairmont Empress’s seasonal restaurant, Veranda, as delivered via employees such as waitress Li Yi Lai. Employees like Ms. Lai add texture and depth to a dining experience, adding dimension via their intimate knowledge of items on the plate. And how do they know enough to add this dimension? In Lai’s case, Fairmount recently sent her for an immersion trip to the local cheesemaker (where she seems to have taken careful notes). Similarly, a local small-batch sausage maker, creator of the spiced chicken sausage on the Veranda menu, was the subject of another day trip also organized by Fairmont. (On the sausage-making front, Lai enthuses to customers that, in spite of the old political maxim about how you should never watch sausage being made, it was “actually a fascinating process!”)

At least as powerful as product knowledge, in raising a customer experience above superficiality, is the empathy and awareness that a customer service professional can bring to their task. It was here Lai likely had the most effect on her customers’ comfort and enjoyment. The Veranda restaurant is located, as the name suggests, on a deck that is original to the construction of the hotel, with a westward orientation that affords a beautiful view of Victoria harbor. This is both a positive and a potential negative, which I watched Ms. Lai address, without prompting, for those diners who were affected by the increasing power of the sun as it came closer and closer to eye level in the hour before sunset. She offered guests the option of sunglasses (the hotel wisely had stocked a few of these nearby in advance), and moved guests as needed to tables which she had pre-selected for their goldilocks combination of a great view and minimal glare. Even more notably–because of the extra work and inconvenience that it would mean for her–she volunteered to guests that they might want to move back to their prior location later in service after the sun had fallen lower over the beautiful natural harbor that defines Victoria. Whenever customers took her up on this suggestion, she cheerfully obliged, in spite of the extra effort this required for her and her supporting staff.


When you invest the work that transforms a customer experience into something this rich and multi-dimensional, it can never be replaced by technology, unless you’re willing to suck the “experience” out of the customer experience.  Which would be a mistake. Because customers today are, as often as not, looking for a true experience.   

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