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Top 10 Video Marketing Trends And Statistics Roundup 2017

Updated Jun 22, 2018, 01:28pm EDT
This article is more than 6 years old.

UPDATE: New Video Marketing trends and stats for 2018.

Look around: How common is it to see someone deeply engrossed in a video on their mobile device? In just a few years, it will take an individual more than 5 million years to watch the amount of video that will cross global IP networks each month. Every second, a million minutes, or almost 17,000 hours of video content will cross the network by 2021, according to Cisco.

Over 500 million (that’s half a BILLION) people are watching video on Facebook every day. Whoa. #VideoMarketing

Internet Video Traffic will be over 80% of all consumer internet traffic in 4 yrs.

Think about that – in just one second – more video will move across the internet than you could watch in almost two years of doing nothing else, including sleeping. Online video use is simply staggering from a consumer perspective. It is changing how businesses or brands communicate with customers and how we communicate with one another.

As a guy who sees and reads a lot of technology research and is barraged by statistics of every order, I find the data stream on online video, video marketing, and, in general, video in business to exceed nearly every other category that hits my wide tech-focused stream.

Animoto, an online video building platform, believes that we have shifted to a “video first” world. Cisco’s data certainly proves that out – we are building a world that does not include a lot of reading, but watching.

Here are just some of the video marketing trends I’m seeing:

  1. Video First. Consumers want to watch, but also produce video. Facebook coined this term last year when talking about making it easy for people to do both consume and produce – Facebook Live is one result of that overarching strategy. Businesses are shifting to using video to lead their marketing efforts.
  2. Live Video (or Live Streaming). Cisco states that Live Internet video will account for 13 percent of the total video traffic mentioned above.
  3. Square video grows in popularity. Square videos take up 78% more space in the Facebook News Feed, and get more engagement, than horizontal videos, according to Animoto.
  4. Video is driving purchase behavior (see the resources section at end of post)
  5. Video marketing creates stronger customer engagement
  6. Lower costs to shoot video and produce video; better tools. If you don’t do it yourself with software, you can hire it out – from the actual video shoot to the editing and final production of the video.
    • Take a look at the Smartshoot pricing survey, a nationwide list of videographers and photographers. The average small business marketing video was under $1,000 in 2015. A medium-sized product demonstration video might be $2,000.
  7. Video as marketing method, but also as training tool (which one could argue is a bit of marketing, too, for employees and prospective employees)
  8. Marketers investing in paid/sponsored social video. Brands are paying to “socialize” or promote their videos – in essence, advertising.
  9. Social Video is Mobile Video
  10. Video Content Increases Trust (sort of related to #4 and #5), but video alone doesn’t increase the trust. Video that resonates is what matters.
  11. It is not YouTube OR Facebook for posting your business video – most brands are using both. See Tubular Insights blog post link below to find out which other social platforms are doing well.

In a recent blog post from TechSmith, the makers of video editing software Camtasia, director of marketing, Sherri Powers goes in-depth to explain how consumers vary in their levels of awareness and that impacts how successful you can be with video marketing. She points out that 85 percent of Facebook videos are watched without sound.  If you didn’t know that, you might spend an inordinate amount of time on the sound part of your video to have it, more or less, go to waste.

Disclosure: Animoto granted me media access to their online marketing video builder and TechSmith loaned me a media copy of their software earlier this year for another post I was working on.  

Click CONTINUE to get to Page 2 and more great resources.

If you are researching video marketing strategies and can only click once from this post, I would head to the Tubular Insights website and download their State of Online Video for Q2 2017 (free download for giving your email address). It is a goldmine. Plus, here are a few recent Tubular posts that I found particularly good:

Additional Resources:

Cisco statistic on global IP video traffic

Insivia, a digital agency that works in lead generation, posted 27 Video Stats for 2017 in January and if you have somehow been on the fence about video marketing in your business, it might knock you off the fence. Here’s a few to give you an idea:

  • Using the word ‘video’ in an email subject line boosts the open rates by 19% (Syndacast)
  • Almost 50% of internet users look for videos related to a product or service before visiting a store (ThinkWithGoogle)
  • 48% of marketers plan to add YouTube to their content strategy in the next year (HubSpot)


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