iPhone 8 Plus vs. Sony A7 Part II

iPhone 8 Plus vs. Sony A7 Part II

With all the feedback I got after I published my comparison between the iPhone 8 Plus and the Sony A7 I had to do a follow-up. 

Since the first comparison was a spur-of-the-moment thing over lunch break, I put a little more thought into it this time. Now I used a focal length (55mm) similar to the portrait lens of the iPhone (56mm).

This time it's also easier to spot which is which. The iPhone shoots 4:3 and the Sony 3:2. Let's have a look.

I'm constantly amazed how good the new iPhone camera with portrait mode is in good lighting situations. Can't wait to try the iPhone X in more difficult lighting situations.

The best thing about the iPhone X? The new swipe gestures

First Photos with the Huawei Mate 10 Pro

First Photos with the Huawei Mate 10 Pro