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Complacency Kills (How To Stay Alive)

Updated Jan 28, 2016, 05:22pm EST

Tech history is filled with stories of companies that were great. Of companies that were at the top, but are now gone.

Do you know what complacency does? Complacency kills.

Here's how to recognize complacency and fight it.

In the 1980's, Digital Equipment was a powerhouse, seemingly unstoppable. But Digital got complacent. It failed to respond to technological changes—and it was gone in ten years.

In 2000, what would you have bet that Sun Microsystems would still be in business by 2010? It would have been a bad bet. Sun was on top of the world then, but by 2008, its stock had lost 80% of its value and it disappeared the next year. Sun’s sprawling corporate headquarters now houses Facebook.

These and other companies failed for many reasons, but complacency was front and center. Why didn't they do something about it?

Here's The Thing With Complacency

People rarely think their team or organization has it. It’s easy to see complacency in others. It’s hard to recognize it in yourself.

That's why it's such a deadly threat. By the time you recognize it in your company, it’s often too late.

How Do Managers Usually Address Complacency?

Let's get busy!! We need meetings, we need action items, and we need much more activity!

Sound familiar? The death spiral often starts with those words: An end-of-the-world scenario, designed to motivate the team into action. Urgency is the watchword of the day.

For a short time, the leaders are rewarded with activity. It feels good. We’re doing something. But there’s no real change in behavior.

Soon, the team’s burned out and the situation is worse than when you started.

What Works

Focus your team’s urgency on the big opportunity, instead of creating a doomsday scenario.

Leaders fight complacency with vision. A leader must recognize the opportunity, set clear goals, and communicate those goals to the team.

You need people to understand your goals. To get excited about them, and be willing to sacrifice for them. So set clearly defined, measurable goals, that lead to a well-articulated vision of a great future.

To lead, give your team something to aspire to and a roadmap of how to get there.

How This Worked At NetApp

Whatever complacency we had went away when the dot-com bubble burst.

70% of our customers were in technology when that happened. We could easily have become fixated on the doomsday scenario, rushing about urgently to ward off demise.

Instead, our leaders recognized a big opportunity: in the enterprise market. Rather than panic, we laid out a clear vision to get into that market, with measurable goals to take us along the way.

The path was difficult, but the opportunity was tremendous.

Because we were clear about our exciting vision for the future, and about what had to be done to get there, we had a plan that our employees understood—and believed in. Our team executed the plan with energy and passion—not fear.

Today we’re one of the few companies in the Fortune 400 that’s also listed on the Great Places to Work list (at #3).

Watch: Tom Mendoza learns a valuable lesson about complacency.

Today’s World Economy Is Still Shaky

Many companies are satisfied, believing they survived the Great Recession, and that things are okay.

But it’s when you think things are okay that you’re in the danger zone. Now is not the time to relax. Now is the time to push. To go for the big opportunity. To fight complacency.

[For more: 6 Powerful Ways To Embrace Change]

On A Final Note

People react the same way as companies.

In our personal lives, we often realize that we’ve become complacent in some area of our lives. Suddenly, we’re rushing to fix it. Urgently!

A perfect example is the rush to exercise in early January. The gyms are full of people feverishly exercising, to work off a year of complacency. But, three months later, the gyms are empty.

The urgency has faded. People are back to their previous behavior, less likely than ever to exercise.

The Fix Is The Same

  • Don’t rush around in fear and panic.
  • Recognize the opportunity.
  • Create a vision for your future self (that you can get excited about).
  • Then set goals for yourself to take you there.

In your professional and personal lives, the way to end complacency begins with recognizing it.

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By Tom Mendoza (@TomMendozaTalks)

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