Everyone is waiting for The Last Jedi to hit the theatres, but in the meantime you can whet your appetite with these new stamps featuring all the main characters -- and there are even Porgs.
The UK's Royal Mail announced a special series of eight stamps, illustrated by UK digital artist Malcom Tween, some of which feature secret details, revealed by UV light.
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Naturally, we have everyone's favourite droids -- R2-D2 and C-3PO -- as well as Chewbacca and the new droids BB-8 and K-2SO.
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Fearful Supreme Leader Snoke also makes a menacing appearance along with the wise figure of Maz Kanata.
But everyone's attention is on the Porgs, the adorable space puffin-lookalike native to Ahch-To.
Porgs are little winged birds that waddle around on cliffsides and are apparently more curious than they are shy. They lay eggs and their babies are, obviously, called Porglets.
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OK, they're pretty cute.
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The stamps will be available in this galaxy from Oct. 12, and you can pre-order them here.
Topics Star Wars