
Photo: Facebook
Zuckerberg and daughter Max
Photo: Facebook

Facebook founder shares photos of family Shabbat evening

Mark Zuckerberg posts photos of 'kiddush cup that has been in our family for almost 100 years' as well as Shabbat candles and hallah bread, receiving almost 200,000 likes and over 4,000 shares.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg shared photos Friday on the social media site of Shabbat evening in his home, including one of a cup that has been in his family for nearly a century.



"For Shabbat tonight, we gave Max a kiddush cup that has been in our family for almost 100 years. Her great-great-grandfather Max got it after our family immigrated here and it has been passed down through our family ever since," Zuckerberg wrote in a post that got over 200,000 likes and over 4,000 shares.



In addition to a photo of his elder daughter Max drinking from the kiddush cup, Zuckerberg posted photos of Shabbat candles and hallah bread before and after baking.





פרסום ראשון: 09.16.17, 19:09
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