Car paint removal is important for restoration, repainting and, occasionally, for detailing. There are a number of professional methods used to strip paint quickly from cars. These include dipping, sand blasting, media blasting and sanding by hand. Paint stripping is also possible by hand with chemical paint strippers. This article will tell you how to remove paint from car parts using a paint stripper and tools.


  1. If they are delicate or very expensive and you do not have many tools, it is a good idea to take the parts to a specialist for restoration.
  2. It must be well ventilated, since chemical stripper is very toxic if used in a small, closed workspace. Make sure it is also in the shade, because the chemicals may evaporate too quickly in the sun.
  3. If you cannot move something, use a masking tape or duct tape to cover the parts very carefully. Apply masking tape to openings and seams between panels. Press down the masking tape to remove any air bubbles.
    • If you are removing paint around windows, cover them with plastic sheeting and duct tape. Press down the duct tape to remove air bubbles.
    • It is all right if the tape overlaps onto the paint. These areas will need to be sanded later on.
  4. Heavy duty or aircraft paint stripper works well. The stronger the paint stripper, the more quickly it will remove the paint and the more toxic it will be. 2 to 3 gallons (7.5 to 11.5 l) of paint stripper would be a good amount to buy for a medium sized car.
  5. Scuff the surface of the parts with 40-grit sandpaper. This will allow the stripper to be absorbed better and work more quickly.
  6. Work carefully to cover all areas. Do not brush back and forth. Dab on the paint stripper in thick coats in 1 direction.
    • Add paint stripper until all areas look wet. You should see it begin to work. The paint appears to bubble up. Do not try to remove it right away.
  7. Do not attempt to strip the paint before that time.
  8. The amount that the paint softened will be uneven. In some areas, it is likely that all the paint will be removed in 1 try. In other places, you may have to repeat 2 to 3 times. Always wait the directed amount before attempting to remove the paint.
  9. Rub with a scouring pad, to remove small pieces of paint.
  10. This will remove any dried stripper and some paint, and make the parts less likely to rust.
  11. Use the sander to remove paint and create a surface on which a future primer can attach.
    • Remove tape and sand leftover paint with the dual action sander.
  12. Dispose of rubber gloves, plastic drop cloths and sheeting, brushes, the tin can and all other affected materials in a disposal area for toxic chemicals. You may need to call businesses in your area, and possibly pay to dispose of this waste.

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How long will it take to remove the paint using paint stripper?
    Community Answer
    Aircraft paint remover works almost instantly. You may need to reapply in order to remove all the paint and clear coat, though.
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  • Cover the car parts with plastic sheeting after applying chemical paint stripper in order to slow down the amount the chemical stripper evaporates, allowing the paint to soften more. Be careful when removing the plastic sheeting, and dispose of it with other toxic waste.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic drop cloths
  • Safety glasses
  • Dust mask
  • Respirator mask
  • Heavy rubber gloves
  • 40-grit sandpaper
  • Chemical paint stripper
  • 80-grit sanding disks
  • Dual action sander
  • Masking tape
  • Large tin can
  • Scouring pads
  • Plastic scrapers
  • Wide paint brushes
  • Lacquer thinner

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Updated: March 29, 2019
Views: 54,494
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