Having dreadlocks doesn’t mean you have to cut off your hair when you want a change. Dreadlocks can be unraveled, but you’ll need to work slowly and get messy. It’s important to first wash and condition your hair to make it as soft as possible. Using a metal comb, you can then separate the hair and flatten it back to its natural state. With a little patience, your hair will look as good as new.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Washing the Dreadlocks

  1. Do your best to pull apart any knotted dreadlocks or matted parts in your hair. Move gently and don’t try forcing any resistant areas unless you don’t mind pain and hair loss. You’ll be thankful you spent time now separating these parts, since they won’t turn into a tangled mess when you wash your hair.[1]
  2. Wet dreadlocks are far easier to unravel than dry ones. Although many wearers keep their hair damp while unraveling, an initial wash makes it that much softer. Let your dreads soak in hot water until they feel saturated. Then, massage in your usual shampoo.[2]
    • Specialized dreadlock removal shampoo can be ordered online, but it isn’t necessary. Any store-bought brand is fine and won’t cost you an arm and a dread.
  3. Put your hair back in the hot water. Luxuriate in it until all the suds wash from your dreads. This removes the wax and other natural buildup that holds the dreads together. You’ll have a lot of it after keeping this hairstyle for so long!
  4. Spread conditioner over your hair and use your fingers to massage the conditioner deep into each dreadlock. Don’t rinse off the conditioner yet. Make sure you’ve got each strand of hair nice and coated, since the conditioner makes unraveling so much easier. You can use more as needed later. Cheap store-bought conditioner is the best option because you may end up using lots of conditioner.[3]
    • Specialized dreadlock removal conditioner also exists and can be ordered online, but it isn’t necessary. You can wash your hair with whatever standard conditioner you have on hand.
    • Cheap store-bought conditioner is recommended, since you’ll need to use a lot of it to keep your dreads moisturized.
  5. Oils including coconut, jojoba, or even olive oil can also be used to moisturize dreads.[4] Because they’re natural, some people prefer them. They’re easy for your skin to absorb and fortify your hair against combing damage. If you don’t care about those potential benefits, commercial product will be fine and probably save you money.[5]
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Unraveling the Dreadlocks

  1. [6] Unraveling starts with one single dreadlock. Start near the end of the dreadlock with a metal tine on a sturdy comb. Try to push the tooth through the hair. You’ll likely feel some resistance, so push harder. If you can’t pierce it, you’re starting too high and need to move the comb closer to the free end of the dreadlock.[7]
    • Look for rat-tail combs online or at a beauty supply store. These have a metal tip to use for piercing, so you won’t have to wear out the tines on a good comb.
    • A crochet hook can also be used instead of a comb. It can feel easier to control than most combs.[8]
  2. Remember, you need your hair to stay damp or else it’ll fight you more than usual. A simple way to do this is with a cup of warm water.[9] Hold the cup and dunk the dread into it. Wait until the hair feels saturated. Remoisten your hair whenever it starts feeling too dry or difficult to unravel.[10]
    • A spray bottle can also be used instead of a cup, but you’ll probably have to refill it a few times. You may also mix a little conditioner into the spray bottle for extra moisturization.
  3. Now you get to use a comb for its intended purpose. Smooth out the tangles below the point where you split the hair. Comb all the way down to the end, taking care not to rush or otherwise stress your hair. You’ll still notice a decent amount of hair falling out, but don’t worry, this is normal.[11]
    • Most of the hair that falls out is old hair. Hair that would have normally fallen into your shower drain got trapped in your dreads.
  4. Splitting the dreadlock gets tedious, but you’ll be happy when your hair stays healthy and whole. Take up the comb or other splitting object again. Pick up the same dreadlock you split earlier. Move up beyond the split point and split the hair again. Comb out the tangles below it, then continue splitting and combing until the dread is fully unraveled.
  5. Now you’ll have to repeat the same process for every other dread you want to unravel. Remember to start the split near the bottom of the dread, since this is where it offers the least resistance. Keep on splitting and combing. It’s a labor of love when you need to remove lots of dreads, but it has to be done.
  6. Give your hair a reward for all the stress it has endured. Load it with your ordinary conditioner. Avoid shampoo, since you’ve already used it once today and shampooing too often dries out hair. After you’ve rinsed it off, comb it out again. Your hair is bound to look a little messy, but continue to wash with conditioning and comb for the next few days. It'll soon be ready to be styled again.
  7. [13] Some people swear by deep conditioners. These products have less chemicals than cheap conditioners and prevent damage to your already stressed hair. Natural oils, including coconut oil, are another option for those who prefer conditioning with no commercial product at all.
    • Both of these products are rubbed in and washed out like you would with any other conditioner.

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    Can you unravel dreadlocks?
    Nikia Londy
    Nikia Londy
    Hair Augmentation Specialist
    Nikia Londy is a Hair Augmentation Specialist and the Founder and CEO of Intriguing Hair, a one-stop solution for women from all ethnicities wanting to purchase high-quality human hair extensions, hairpieces, and wigs. With over 16 years of experience, she specializes in artificial hair integrations, hair extensions, hair loss, hairpieces and wigs, and non-surgical hair replacement. Nikia holds a BA in Organizational Leadership from Charter Oak State College and received her Cosmetology Certification from Blaine Beauty School. She is also a member of the American Hair Loss Council.
    Nikia Londy
    Hair Augmentation Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Definitely! Unraveling is a great alternative if you don't want to cut your dreads off.
  • Question
    What products do you use to remove dreadlocks?
    Nikia Londy
    Nikia Londy
    Hair Augmentation Specialist
    Nikia Londy is a Hair Augmentation Specialist and the Founder and CEO of Intriguing Hair, a one-stop solution for women from all ethnicities wanting to purchase high-quality human hair extensions, hairpieces, and wigs. With over 16 years of experience, she specializes in artificial hair integrations, hair extensions, hair loss, hairpieces and wigs, and non-surgical hair replacement. Nikia holds a BA in Organizational Leadership from Charter Oak State College and received her Cosmetology Certification from Blaine Beauty School. She is also a member of the American Hair Loss Council.
    Nikia Londy
    Hair Augmentation Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Stock up on shampoo, warm water, moisturizing conditioner, natural oils (like coconut oil), deep conditioner, and a sturdy metal comb.
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  • Most hair loss you notice after unraveling a dread is hair that already fell out. Even if your hair looks a little thin, it will grow back.
  • Wait a few days before attempting to change your style. Your hair will need this time to change back to normal.

Things You'll Need

  • Lots of water
  • Plenty of cheap conditioner
  • Shampoo
  • Cup or spray bottle
  • Rat-tail comb


  1. https://www.treasuredlocks.com/how-to-remove-locks-braids/
  2. http://www.naturalhairmag.com/remove-locs-without-cutting/
  3. http://blackgirllonghair.com/2015/05/2-ways-to-take-down-your-faux-locs/
  4. Nikia Londy. Hair Augmentation Specialist. Expert Interview. 7 October 2021.
  5. http://ragingrootsstudio.com/removal/
  6. Nikia Londy. Hair Augmentation Specialist. Expert Interview. 7 October 2021.
  7. https://www.treasuredlocks.com/how-to-remove-locks-braids/
  8. http://ragingrootsstudio.com/removal/
  9. Nikia Londy. Hair Augmentation Specialist. Expert Interview. 7 October 2021.
  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJo1oQPoPmg&feature=youtu.be&t=275
  2. http://www.naturalhairmag.com/remove-locs-without-cutting/
  3. Nikia Londy. Hair Augmentation Specialist. Expert Interview. 7 October 2021.
  4. Nikia Londy. Hair Augmentation Specialist. Expert Interview. 7 October 2021.

About this article

Nikia Londy
Co-authored by:
Hair Augmentation Specialist
This article was co-authored by Nikia Londy. Nikia Londy is a Hair Augmentation Specialist and the Founder and CEO of Intriguing Hair, a one-stop solution for women from all ethnicities wanting to purchase high-quality human hair extensions, hairpieces, and wigs. With over 16 years of experience, she specializes in artificial hair integrations, hair extensions, hair loss, hairpieces and wigs, and non-surgical hair replacement. Nikia holds a BA in Organizational Leadership from Charter Oak State College and received her Cosmetology Certification from Blaine Beauty School. She is also a member of the American Hair Loss Council. This article has been viewed 30,722 times.
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Updated: October 8, 2021
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